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Everything posted by yiling

  1. HI to all fellow reefers, Afew days ago , DA helped me with a little rescape and took some pictures. Thus would like to take this chance to revive this thread Here are some of the pictures....
  2. hehe if u calculate it by price per view. ITs really expensive furthermore in a 4ft hehe
  3. currently reserved by babycat.
  4. hihi, been with me for 2 days and eats almost everything. Like i said , its appetite causes me to sell him
  5. Got a pail of coralife pail full of LR and tonga going cheap cheap at $30 pm me if interested
  6. am selling 3 inch Diamond Sand shifter goby for $5 collection near holland. Pm me if interested
  7. Selling 4 inch Cortez angel ( juvenile ) for $100 Reason for selling is because this lovely fish is not reef safe. Feeds on mysis and pellets. Very greedy Pm me if interested Collection near holland.
  8. wow ...nice tank hmm.. seems like about time to upgrade tank for more SPACE !! hehe
  9. hehe good luck then post some pic to share some of your creations. There are heaps of helpful seniors that will give lots of tips
  10. if u planned to have sps on top , try to let return pipe or any of the seios blow directly at each other. Hopefully they are not one at each end. try to place them closer to create a big ripple. as for mine, i had my 820 blowing at mid height while my return and 1100 crashed at each other
  11. if there is an award for cirrhilabrus collector , bet it will go to DA
  12. im having same dimensions with u except that mine is 2ft high .im using 1100 and 820 with a return of rio 32 and i still think its not enough. am planning to either change to a controllerable tunze or add another 1100.
  13. your prata served u well eh.. 2 years and such nice colour.. what u feed him with ? any tips ?
  14. change your signature to cirrhilabrus & zoo keeper liao
  15. where does your water lvl reaches ? mine has white tape over the point where the skimmer gets in contact with the aquabee. hopes this will solve your prob
  16. wow, that is a really bright coloured prata
  17. upz for your sale bro, what have u upgraded to ?
  18. wa, interesting choice of equipments. if there is an award for low equipments - and quality tank. You should be nominated.
  19. hehe seems like your wrasse family is getting bigger
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