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Everything posted by AiRlYn

  1. Hi alll. I have fix the skimmer up 1st of feb midnight 2am ,it have been running for 29 hourtill now but hardly see any thing yet... I have put the air valve to 2'clock and the water lvl to the smallmer neck centre but nothing is skim out yet ... what is the problem? Anyony can advise ?
  2. I am running the skimmer with md 55. haizzz the skimmer cant fit in my cabinet that fellow is 32inch in height , but my cabinet is only 27inch so got to run in out side...
  3. Oh I see..... My skimmer cant fit in the cabinet ...So no choice have to put outside..... what if i dun rasie the skimmer jus leave it on the floor will the water still flow back to the sump......
  4. But sump is about 18inch in height .... that means i need to rasie the skimmer to 20 inch higher ????
  5. I got it from aqua marine...
  6. Hi all. Jus got a beckket skimmer , but got problem fixing it ..... Is about the return of the water from the skimmer ... do i need to stack up the skimmer to a height so that the water will flow back to the sump... Anyone got any pic for me to have an idea on fixing the skimmer ?? Need advice from anyone oout there ... Thanks all....
  7. Hi all, Jus got a beckket skimmer got problem fixing it ... Can anyone help me or show me any pic on how to set it up ... Thx...
  8. I decided to get a Beckett skimmer but what are the models that is suitable for my tank size and what will be the best combination of pump for it? Anybody can tell me abt the mkt price for a skimmer like that. Thks ChEeRs..
  9. I think I'm over greed to start a 5ft tank as a newbie.. now accounting alot of problems..
  10. Hi all, My nitrate lvl is very high, does it help by changing my skimmer. My current skimmer doesn't seem to be performing very well, wanting to change my skimmer. Any good recomandation? Tank size: 5ft x 2.5ft x 2ft Skimer: Macro (not too sure abt the model) Thks.
  11. Hey guys, I can check with you, where is "Ah Beng" and Aquaria Arts? If got phone no. even better. What time are they closing? wan to go there later. thks..
  12. Thks for advices.. Will try to find out more abt hypo salinity.. thks!! Nitenite..
  13. Dear all, My poor blue tang caught white spots on her body, pls advise how to get rid of them... SaD..
  14. Hi Nivlek, I'm interested with your coral, pls pm me if you've your prices list ready.. thks! ChEeRs..
  15. Hi Jeff, Interested wif ur calcium reactor, pls pm me or sms 9691-0243. thks!! ChEeRs.. ^^
  16. Noted, got your contact leows.. Thks alot.. When will be the earliest date for collection? ChEeRss... ^^
  17. Hi Diabolus, Saw ur sun coral still available, can I make a reserve again? Sun Coral - $20 ChEeRs.. ^^
  18. Hi Diabolus, I tried to make a reservation for some corals y'day but maybe most of them were taken up. saw ur sun coral still available, can I make a reserve again? Sun Coral - $20 ChEeRs.. ^^
  19. Hi Diabolus, got interest with the followin: Corals Bubbles(BIG!) - $30 Frogspawn(5 heads) - $30 Fragspawn - $15 Sun Coral - $20 Hammer(big) + hammer(white color,small) - $20 for both 3 mushrooms on rock with 3 tubeworms - $5 Zooanthus(small frags) - FOC to buyers Pls put me to your reservation list. ChEeRs..^^
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