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Everything posted by akahoshi

  1. Yeah, I think bro sotong bought a keyhole, not a midnight angel.. Yes, the midnight angel is not reef-safe.. They got obsession with mushies and zoos.. The Midnight angel's body is totally black.. even the fins.. everything..
  2. Well, if you're fish is an old timer in your tank (which means it's stable and healthy) Can try freshwater dip.. I've tried it.. saved a few fish already.. but you must make sure you don't over stress them.. (Note - DO NOT put your fish in the freshwater for more than 5mins..)
  3. Haha.. Yes Bro DA.. haha.. yeah, when naso tangs are in their juv. stage, they look like the female.. Most males are streamers i think.. haven't seen one that is not..
  4. More commonly known as Clown Tang. Upz for your sale..
  5. Selling off my orangeshoulder tang... Size about 2.5-3" Selling @ $10. Collection in Hougang. Sorry no pix.. but guarranteed coloration is yellow..
  6. hey bro piglet.. haha.. i was just pulling your leg lah.. cuz i read this in another website also mah.. then i want to kid about it.. haha.. no hard feeling bro!!
  7. Bro Piglet.. Copy and paste thing from website, make sure you give credit leh.. later get into trouble.. haha..
  8. Pic from Liveaquaria.com - Top is male, bottom one is female.
  9. Upz.. anyone else got their fattest fish to share with us?
  10. Hi all, Is it true that AquaPharm's Pro Series Cure Ich is reef-safe and invertebrate-safe? Has anyone tried it before? This description has been copied and paste here from aquapharmlabs.com - Pro Series Cure Ichâ„¢ safe for corals and invertebrates is a scientifically formulated medication for the control of marine ich (white spot). It contains no copper and it is safe for corals, invertebrates and delicate fish and will not damage the biological filter. Cure Ichâ„¢ also eliminates the free swimming parasites that feed on the fish and end up leaving an open wound which eventually cause a bacterial infection. Symptoms may include any white spots, body fungus, visible sores or wounds, discoloration, fish rubbing against objects, loss of appetite and increased respiration. Cure Ichâ„¢ is also a treatment of Velvet, Coral fish disease (Oodinium), Slimy skin disease (Brooklynella), Fin and tail rot, Mouth fungus (Flexibacter Columnaris).
  11. Use wool filter medium, deep sand bed in your sump and a quality skimmer. Setting up a refriguim in your sump is also a good idea as macro algae reduces nitrite in the water.
  12. The problem with fake corals are that you'll have to clean them once in a while when they get all brownish from the algae..
  13. Thats because Bio-balls and Ceramic Rings produces nitrite over time..
  14. Hmm.. sorry bro, the fellow swim so fast, i cannot capture it.. But i can guarrantee you the coloring is good (for a scopas tang).. Upz.. Price non-neg. ($8 is quite cheap already for a 3" scopas) Collection @ Hougang.
  15. Wah, I haven't seen any FAT neon gobies b4.. And what's a sharknose neon goby anyway? issit a blue neon goby that has a yellow head?
  16. Hi all, What is the fattest fish in your tank?? My fattest is my blue tang.. super pui pui.. if it grows any fatter, gonna have hard time swimming already..
  17. Selling Brown Tang for $8. Size 3". Eating everything.
  18. Ya, bro.. dun eat too much.. later you became pui pui like your achilles tang.. haha..
  19. We'll know if it's really him when he posts something super chim.. haha..
  20. I recently got myself a orangeshoulder tang, and i must say it's a beauty.. Hardy fish too.. Most importantly.. Eating like pig..
  21. Like I have said.. All the MODS went MIA. Bro Deepblue, Rumor, Danano, Tanzy.. all MIA liao.. haha..
  22. Hi all, Was surfing the net, checking out new fishes as usual and came across this - WOW. WOW. WOW.
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