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Everything posted by akahoshi

  1. Moorish Idol!!! Why ah? I dunno leh.. Just like lor.. My favorite fish!! Moorish Idol!!!
  2. I knew the japanese were smart!! COWKIMON!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ah.. usted visito espana eh? usted comprende espanol? haha.. yup yup.. i think that unidenfied fish is a sunfish.. and as for the trigger.. it's puffer.. AHH!! Mistake from our expert bro vincent eh! Mods, downgrade him!! Make him plankton again!! hahaha..
  4. My xiao-ting-tong JRT.. named "Latte" Zzzz...
  5. wah sis.. you mean if got no maid.. you never.. ... haha..
  6. Aiyah, let me solve all your maid problems lah.. Step 1 - Bring your maid to the free screening of "The Maid" Step 2 - Tell her it's still the 7th Month and ghosts will ESPECIALLY haunt her if she doesn't listen and do everything you say. And, vola! You have trained yourself an obedient maid! Err.. but then you got to worry about her nightmare problems lah.. hehee..
  7. I have a very small cup that I put my mysis cube in and add some fishtank water. I then let it sit to melt, then I use something like a turkey baster to suck up some mysis and put into the tank.
  8. wah sis justiana.. fast leh you.. lobster already.. haha.. i think here got no one climb up ladder as fast as you.. haha..
  9. Yeah.. cannot say.. cuz i say cannot say.. cuz got an agreement that cannot say.. cuz he say that we cannot say.. so now he cannot say.. err.. so what did you want to say? the price is... SGD $**** (4 digits leh!!)
  10. Hahaha.. Ya, thats what I tot too.. Cannot be bro vincent selling his most priced possession right?? haha..
  11. Ya guys, I agree with bro wil_lee.. I think enough people have stated their views and comments already. As moderators are not around to close the thread, I think we, forum members, should take the intiative to "close" the thread by not replying anymore to this thread.
  12. kopi-tiam also great for gaining more moorish idols below your avatar!!
  13. Hahaha.. why, you want to buy ah?
  14. Hi all, Wanna know if any of the bro here using Nokia Symbian phones with MP3? For example, Nokia 6680, 3230, 6260... etc. Errm.. My question is.. why the sound quality of the mp3 player super lousy ah?? I was previously using N6230, and the sound quality was good.. but after I swtich to N6260.. the mp3 playback cannot make it leh.. Any thoughts on why like that??
  15. I know bro lizard can!! saw him wif bro minsmarine and bro muahchee that day!! eh.. err.. wait, this is not the gossip thread... oops!
  16. Phew!! Finally.. an affordable reef-safe angel.. Thats next on my shopping list!!!
  17. Hehee.. Next time I collect all my tang's bomb and sell!! Lelong!! Lelong!! Akahoshi's TB Coral Food!!
  18. how sad.. our bro lizard reduced to this state.. ask sis justiana cook for you lah!!
  19. First of all, I think it's an offence to let go captive fishes back into the ocean. Secondly, It will not survive in the wild. My suggestion, give it FOC to any reptutable LFS.
  20. Yup, I am looking for this fish.. Anyone knows the rough price?? Cuz if it's still around $80, I think I can abandon the whole idea already..
  21. haiya.. all the mods all MIA lor.. dunno where they went too.. haha.. and what the h*ll does "Say is no air.." mean??
  22. woah, bro vincent, first time see you hijack ppl's thread.. haha.. upz for you!
  23. $80 for watanabe angel.. but what i looking for is swallowtail angel... how much ah?
  24. man.. you guys buy YT and PT as if they cost few dollars only.. haha.. me ah, need to save like 1-2 months just to get a tiny YT.. poor me.. nice AT you have bro!! however i notice that the first few pictures of the AT look different from the rest of the AT pictures leh.. especially the tear-drop.. in the first few pictures, the tear-drop like abit smaller... or maybe i just need glasses?!
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