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Everything posted by akahoshi

  1. Hopefully you're not keep a blue-ring octo..
  2. Solution is get rid of your hermit crab..
  3. Henry's Food will probably work.. Have you tried Cyclopeeze? Might wanna try that out too.. Moral of the story bro.. Try to check if fish is eating before purchasing it..
  4. Wah.. A small favor can? People who want to join please just add your nick to the latest list..? Thanks..
  5. haha.. ALLBLACKS.. you watch rugby ah, bro neokn?
  6. It's common to buy a Naso Tang that is not feeding, and training it to take food is even harder if there are other greedy tangs in your tank.. Now, methods to try.. 1. Buy macroaglae for it to gaze on (red bamboo, grapes aglae) 2. Try Live Brine Shrimp 3. Henry's Food (From Marine Life LFS) These are the few methods of the many methods use to entice a tang to eat.. This topic has been discussed alot before.. try to do a search.. Hope this helps..
  7. Hey people, really experiencing aggression among my tangs.. got any solution? (btw, aggression is in my QT.. so cannot rescape..)
  8. My algae blenny has wiped out all my algae in my tank and has nothing to feed on now.. Yeah, I know, common problem with Algae Blenny.. I don't really have time to entice this fellow with food that it adores, therefore might as well just let another person take over.. $5.. Hougang..
  9. Hi all, Saw the marco skimmer Bubble-production diffuser on the marco website and i want to know where in singapore sells this Bubble-production diffuser...
  10. Anyone know the long-term side effects of Hypo on fishes?
  11. Humans usually have sympathy for the victim.. If the angel had nip the clam till it was clearly dying, i think we would pity the clam instead..
  12. Niger Trigger - $6. Size - 2" Collection Hougang.
  13. Hi Bro, There are two softwares that can do that.. However, the down side is that both have trials.. Here you go.. iPod2PC - http://www.casicakes.com/ Copypod - http://www.copypod.net/
  14. natural diet - sponge coral. hard to feed in captivity, unless had prior training to feed on pellets, mysis.. etc.
  15. Thats a thin but fat powder black! Is it a powder black? Off topic liao.. sorry bro, upz for your sale!
  16. Hi all, When you add freshwater into the tank to top up the water level due to evaporation, won't the freshwater alter the PH level over some time? Although you are adding very little freshwater and doesn't really affect the PH level, won't it still have an effect over a period time? I know that crushed coral chips and sand help to increase the PH level, but how about BB tank with no liverocks?
  17. The best is to get a mated pair, a pair that have spawned before, but then again, people still can con you that they actually mated before..
  18. Haha, sorry bro BH, i think i'll have to agree with trigger.. That show is crap..
  19. Poor Koran.. Or at else i think it is.. is it? haha..
  20. Hahaha... I pity the fellow who owns that car..
  21. hi pro paul, already pm you regarding the normal prata..
  22. probably because the lighting in your refugium is not sufficent of it.
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