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Everything posted by akahoshi

  1. dunno whether this method will help you or not, but this is how i catch my fishes.. i put a net, bigger the better, at the bottom of the tank, diagonally, depending on how packed your tank is with rocks.. let them get use to it for a while, maybe an hour or so.. then spray food on the top of the netting, the fishes will go and eat the food, and all you have to do is raise the net up to the surface. Hopefully, the flame angel will be one of the fishes caught. Some will say the fishes are faster than the raising of your net but I tried this many times and it worked for me as my fishes were usually too occupied with the food... HTH..
  2. The color Green is really kind of uncommon in marine fishes.. especially when you are not intending to get wrasses... Bro, How about this? - Rainfordi Butterflyfish. I have to say that this is a rare butterfly and extremely difficult to keep, wouldn't recommend. However, it has a NICE green color...
  3. Haha.. actually i just got a mimic tang from AM.. Coloring super chio, very intense.. cheap replacement for YT.
  4. Hahaha.. Then we do it the other way around lah.. haha, when you post "WTB: Sea Dragon", we buy Lionfish and sell you.. haha..
  5. Hope i have listed most of the yellow fishes.. which is, in your own opinion, the nicest yellowest fish in the ocean?
  6. Haha.. Most people think False Percula are very easy to tell from True percula.. However! They have never been to Iw*rna to see their display tank, their false percula's colors are as intense and nice as the true perculas! The only way you could tell was by the amount of blackness the clownfish had on it's body...
  7. Aiyah, the next upcoming state-of-the-art racing car - Nissian 'Cow'line.
  8. Haha.. next time you see bro vincent post a thread "WTB: Lionfish".. You know he talking about weedy sea dragon hor!.. haha.. jk...
  9. Yup, the method should work as cleaner shrimps have sharp piercing pincers that can penerate the skin of the fish to remove the white spots from the fish. However for bro Kotobuki's case, I dun really understand what he meant by "cleaner shrimps will never be able to reach my tangs."... Maybe you could explain more bro?
  10. There are more experts here in lightings than me, so if any bros here know that my info is wrong, do correct me hor! thanks.. Ok, here's my info.. The effect of the Metal Halide is like the sun, the intensity of the light is strong and the heat is overwhelming.. therefore you need a chiller. The MH is best for corals as it is the most "natural" thing as compared to the sunlight shining over a natural reef in the ocean. However I do not recommend this if you do not have a chiller as although the MH is good for your corals but the temp will kill your corals. T5 is the next best thing to MH, although it doesn't really have that sunlight effect, but it does have the spectrum of light to help corals have photosynthesis. Does not generate as much heat as the MH, therefore advisable is you do not have chiller. T5 OH with german tubes have a much better spectrum and intensity of lighting that is essential as compared to a normal cheap T5.
  11. Seriously though, If you got no chiller and you want the best lighting possible.. Get the T5 HO with German Tubes with Moonlight effect from Aqu*Marin*. I have to say that it is really value for money.. (considering that I got it while it was on offer.. dunno whether offer still on..) Corals in my tank are blooming and growing very healthily. Don't get T5 that are not HO and not with German Tubes.. They dun really make the cut. Don't waste your money on that type of T5, just spend alittle more $$ for a better lighting.. Your corals will thank you.
  12. I dunno why no one said this yet... Add MORE cleaner shrimps!! Last time I had a super ich problem, I went and got myself a few cleaner shrimps.. The whole night, the cleaner shrimps were busily cleaning all the fishes of their white spots.. In just a few days, all the fishes were spotless already!!
  13. hehee.. i am the so-long-it's-cheap-can-already type. haha.. hmmz.. that explains my incredible death-count when i started marine huh..
  14. Haha, 15 dollar chicken rice got!! At all those super high-class restaurants lor! Haha.. but then the quality of the 15 dollars chicken rice is FAR better than the 2 dollars one lah.. Haiz.. but seriously, just let the seller sell his fish lah..
  15. WOW. if YT really the father, i think the offspring can sell for hundreds of dollars man!! Tomato Yellow Tang Hybrid Clown. ($500).
  16. errm.. i still confused.. WHOSE TANK IS IT?
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