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Everything posted by remus

  1. Anyone saw any elegance coral looking for a small size. Thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Any one letting go of their duncan coral or frag. Thanks
  3. Nope i didnt found any but i bought Cheato and they started to multiply by alot. Now my main tank full of them i can see small pods running on my tank glass. In fact i wanted them is because i wanted to keep mandarin fish, i have a mandarin fish now with me for more than a month already. I guess he has more than enough food cos i have to keep clean my glass on my main tank there are too many of them already and also in my refugium. i thinking maybe i can keep a pair of them. I not sure how many maybe thousand of them jus in my main tank not including my refugium tank.
  4. Hi I got this from one of the reefer and appreantly it abit too tight for my ios. Therefore decided to post. I Will be seeking $60.
  5. Upz anyone selling or any shop selling. Thanks
  6. Jus wanted to ask do u all remove bristleworm from your tank. I kind of hate them as they are quite big in size. I have a rock with a small cave for my fire goby and inside the cave there is a bristle worm which I not sure how long but it look big from the tail. Around picky finger so fat. Do u think I should remove the rock? I used to have one rock that have a bristleworm one foot Long. When I Decom I use hot water and pour onto the rock. That why I know it a foot Long when it came out. I jus want to seek opinion here whether u all think I should remove the rock with it inside ?
  7. Hi I had a truncatus anshias giving away. Pellet eating like a Monster. Pls pm me, FCFS.Feeding with TDO chroma boost for colour. thabks
  8. Anyone letting go of their lettuce nudibrach? Or any shop selling now? Thanks
  9. Hi not really an expert on Anthias but the shop sold me this and said it blue eye Anthias which I though it was suppose to be bright orange with lyre tail. Anyone know what fish is this? He went jaw fighting with my lyretail Anthias. And my lyretail died.
  10. Wts bubble magas internal qq skimmer. Used for a week. Asking $50 the black filter I damage it so I modify with a new one.
  11. Hi Just wanted to check which LFS carry tisbe pods i found out not easily obtainable. Copepods can be found but mandarin fish need bottom crawling pods which i found out copepods float in the water which other fish eat up very fast. I setting up a refugium for them to reproduceas well therefore any amphipods or tisbe pods i can buy would be good to add into the refugium. Thanks
  12. No worry tried many way still the same outcome, even try using poly filter. Even read up mentioning "break in" and it did "break in" but still same outcome. Got a smaller skimmer and place in the first compartment, second will be my filter. Now i remember before i decom my tank 10 years back also encounter this problem but not sure how i solve it. anyway everything solved, now just wanted to sell away the bubble magas qq. Used less than a week had to offload already.
  13. Hi My skimmer is place in the compartment before the return pump. I checked that the return pump compartment there is alot mirco bubble. When i off my skimmer, the water was back to normal. I wanted to use a egg crate to isolate the bubble but i try many filter in the market all still having the same problem. I wanted to check whether there is any recommended filer that is ultra fine to block off this bubble. I using BM QQ by the way. Thanks
  14. Hi checking any reefer have any chaeto? Setting up refugium need some. thanks
  15. Hi checking any reefer have any chaeto? Setting up refugium need some. thanks
  16. Hi Giving away bicolour dottyback. Collection on sunday at bedok.
  17. Hi I had a skimmer for sale without pump at $100. pls pm mi Thanks Remus
  18. Wanted to clear it fast, therefore FOC to whoever come first. This tank is 1.2cm thick with euro bracing. It is 3ft x 2ft x 2ft. You have to engage your own transport and clean the tank cos i have no time to clean it. Pump is not included if you willing to pay a bit i can include it for $50 as i bought it not more than 6month. Plus it is 6000 lites per hours, it cost around $150 back then. The stand is chengai wood and therefore it can withsatnd salt water.
  19. All things are sold out except for tank
  20. Hi Due to recession and i wanted to clear off my tank set up. Finally offer of $50- include return pump. ( for your infor my stand is chengai wood which exp when i first bought it. FCFS
  21. Sorryto all the bros who pm mi, jus to let you know that my skimmer pump was spolit so that mean it without the pump. Selling at 80. And my tank is going for 100.
  22. i really need to clear, 150 last call
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