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Everything posted by ciaolong

  1. hahah dude i finish school last year !!! aus school finish when u 17 not 18 unlike singapore and i do look after my family but they bak in aus ! so this time its my time to relax i thought that wat holiday is for ? and i always must look after my tank too since i run a OFS
  2. plz read be4 doing things .... u only pose to add small amount since sugar increases the baterica in your tank which in turn reduces the amount of o2 in your which can lead to death of livestock the milky water is natural make sure your skimmer is running all the time. it should clear up less than 1 day ... i use to do this process be4 for my nano tank ... but i never added so much i add like 1/4 of a table spoon per day in my tank dosing depends on your tank size have a look around in old post on wat dosing u should be doing plz note this process of reducing no3 is req to have a STRONG skimmer
  3. also forgot to add that i am 18 so those male 21 + one cant go T_T !! blah !!
  4. wei all since i am in singapore i wanted to clubbing i know about zouk but thats all ... lol anyone know some good clubs i am more into trance techno and dance music but i dont mind
  5. hey shawn/lester/derek confirm tomorrow froghunt ???
  6. last time i think be4 i leave singapore ....
  7. my collector in aus teaches his frog fish to eat prepared food with a fishing line .....
  8. i can give u 1000 chormis lol can fit in your tank ?
  9. u want them to grow super fast just feed them every day they sure grow fast and become like a pest lol
  10. hey all ... after seeing a few tanks i decide to take out my sand lol once i get bak i been planning in a file ... still looking for my tunze waiting for my blv to come so i can fire it up and see the light ... if dr evil cant get them in time then i might get 10k or even 6500 after seeing alan's one i have to say they not that yellow at all ! kinda amazed how nice the colours came out i thinking of getting starboard for those ppl who dont know wat that is http://www.dotmar.com.au/products/polyethy...e_marinetec.htm this is so i don get that bottom glass look but i worried my 2 bracers will be a pain in the ###### lol anyway going lfs around singapore
  11. there a few in aus i know usally they at least 8-10ft in lenght
  12. can put frags but how about colonies ? but its true both scaping have alot of pros and cons .... kinda hard to do scape with that 2.5 ft height i nearly fell lol ><
  13. ermmmm depends on how much sugar u put in even with an air stone the o2 can drop very fast ... and usally u would have a powerful skimmer for the use of sugar to remove the waste and to increase the o2
  14. come on mah !!! family over frogfish ? ! wat is the world coming to !!! lets do like a comp first once to be there wins a fish which i will sponsor lol
  15. derek u coming on sat ??? !!! same with u lester ???
  16. he did havesome big ones but mostly all medium size
  17. u could if u had big enough tank remmeber they can grow quite big ...
  18. best to give it a good flow even in the wild they are in strong flows sometimes the best time to see them open will be nite time or a sent of brineshrimp (diped in glaric) use to make my sun coral open up then i just feed a few brine shrimp per polyp
  19. if its a huge piece dont leave in there .... cause it just extend the period of the cycle ... the point of the prawn so u add some ammonia so u can feed the baterica to which converts ammonia to nirite to nirate ... then once that happens u can add fish so those ... can be the source of ammonia ... if there is no ammonia i guess its all nirite now once that is 0 the cycle is done
  20. scrub off those dead parts and parts that will die ... that can reduce the time to cycle.... also maybe putting them with rocks/bioballs with baterica already on them
  21. very nice love the borders must show me how do that .... but first i need a new cam >< lol
  22. did u get the right one or not make sure battery operate not powerpoint !!! lol where is the leader of the pack *pokes shawn* the pack want to hunt but leader disapper meh ><
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