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Everything posted by ciaolong

  1. THE RESULTS ARE IN !!! *drum roll* Free Ammonia - 0 !!!! Total Ammonia - 0.01 Nitrite - 0 --> 0.01 Nitrate - 2 - 5 *dances around* i hope this result shows that my cycle is over ? .... or maybe like ending or something i think the ammonia left is due to the rotting sea weed but dont worry my hermit crabs are eating that <3 hermit crabs
  2. that came with the live rock la sian dont go on about it i got scold already by maswa ppl the BTA is doing fine i had a fellow member do a house call and check on it for me it doing fine i feed it ever 7th day i just want to find out about this cycle to have peace of mind for the bta its a tough one i can tell u that also doing my testing now from what i see now i HAVE NO Nitrite let hope ammonia is the same *wait for 15 mins*
  3. ermmm as i said in my last post its cured rock (1 year old) i also said it been cycling for about 2 weeks well coming to 2 weeks i have a feeling it from the sea weed or something that might be dieing =\ its kinda of confusing where my cycle is due there is ammonia and there is nitrate which is going up now from the last time i checked i still dont get the free and total ammonia thing i know that free is the most toxic one soo wat is the total one then ?
  4. ok pm sent but can anyone help me ? where is the cycle process is my tank in .... o yeah its about coming to 2 weeks old and i am using live sand and cured live rock from a fellow MASWA (marine aquaist soicity western australia) anyone :\
  5. hi there everyone can anyone help me with this i sort of want to know is my cycle near the end of just starting or watever free ammonia - 0-->0.03 total ammonia - 0.8 --> 1.0 Nitrite - 0 --> 0.03 nitrate - 2 --> 5 also i am getting alot of this brown aglae starting to take over my tank, is it just a phase ? if u need a picture *points to his website* the picture is not big but u can see my live rock has copper brown aglae on it
  6. Up also the MH i cant drill into my wall since i dont have a wall there soo anything that has a stand or watever would be good also will need at least 1 artinic light ^^ if t5
  7. ermm a bit over my budget hehehhe also i dont think that is hang over
  8. hey everyone i am looking for a skimmer and lighting for a 2 foot tank must be in good condition due to it be shipped to australia i am looking for maybe a mh or t5 for the lighting and the skimmer anything that is hangover (must incudle the pump or inbuilt one is better like the red prizm skimmer) my aunt leaves the 10th of jan soo i need make some deal asap pm me or add me on msn p.s if u know anyone selling these stuff point a link or something ^^
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