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Everything posted by ciaolong

  1. its ok just had enough of aussie reefers on the forums they tell me off for nothing .... soz lo and diabolus might want to chill down ...... everyone else has ....
  2. closed topic be4 it becomes a fight (dont want that) if anyone wants to know some easy coral for start http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/coralcare...easycorals1.htm its the 10 easiest corals u can start with ^^ gl
  3. have u ever thought it might be rude to tell somebody off for not having the right equipment but u did have the right equipment it basicly u getting told off for nothing well anyway its a miss take just saying read more carefully
  4. -.- since when do i have a 36 w heater .... i have a 100w heater as it says on my website my 36 w is the fluros atm i think u miss read i am getting t5 from singapore end of this week and also a skimmer aquavia. other than that i got my power filter ... p.s people read careful would be good ^^
  5. soo any other ideas ? the gravity could work but yeah alot of problems with it i am thinking something with a float switch or something
  6. yo i did a search in the forums i only got 2 one was a DIY tubby which i didnt under >.< *need pictures!!!!!!!!!!!* and the other gravity one was dodgy >.> if anyone can help me under the DIY tubby or have another plan please share
  7. lol i think i stick with option 1 thank u but if u see any new ones post them
  8. i rather DIY at that price lol coz my tank is 2 foot if i had a 4 foot tank then i would buy it but na i rather make one >.< soo any ideas ?
  9. who is this "cookiemunster" can u link me to him ? or watever sooo i can talk to him
  10. lol i would love to but i am in perth atm >.< my aunt is leaving soo not able to get her to bring it the next relo leaving singapore to vist is awhile away unless u willing or the company to send over to me
  11. hi everyone i just found out from my parents we be going on a holiday in march i know its far but i deicde to plan ahead ^^ anyway i am worried about the water disapppering since my tank is 2 foot if the evaps too much my water will become salty and etc which = dead fish >.< and coral and stuff which is never good anyway i was looking for the best and easiest to make DIY auto top up thanks brendan
  12. http://www.nano-reef.com/articles/index.php have a read there too it applies to most tanks not just nano tanks
  13. i recommend reading about tank cycles .... the brown stuff is usally a phase from the cycle ermmm the anemone should be eating shrimps ..... (sounds like a bubbe tip anemone) unless it dieing ... might want to check the no3 no2 nh3 nh4 dont know the last one
  14. hehehe sozzzzz i didnt realise somebody replied me i just saw it just then it pose to tell me if somebody replied but it doesnt seem to working >.<
  15. got any sites for them soo i can do some research on them
  16. hey also can anyone what some good soft coral to go with i wont be add these until next month i think but i want to get an idea of wat corals to get and stuff
  17. yeah lol i am going to add 1 fish per 2 weeks was going to add 2 clown fish together (helps them bond a bit better) but i might as a friend to keep it in his spare tank until the next week most fish i even get is 4 fish over the 1 year period i heared lighting is important to cycling lol dont remember where i read that from but meh i still want to get everything else growning (coral line) and my little hermit and crabs i got
  18. lol to bad i already put that to a thought i am not even going to add live stock until i get my skimmer and lighting which will take 1 week >.> sian
  19. well i heared from that it can take from 1 week to 3 months i am using somebody else live rock from their mature tank (1 year) i guess helped the process and also the live sand
  20. i just want some idea on what soft coral to get for my nano reef tank (2ft) thx for the advise ahead
  21. i dont know if people dont read or they dont want to read >.> i said almost 2 weeks *point to the top replies* *knock knock anyone home*
  22. topic closed thank for everyone helping to find the stuff i need
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