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Everything posted by ciaolong

  1. hey everyone thx chim for the advise be4 i found a few picture anyway i linked all my tanks together soo the water mass is larger so easier to keep it stable anyway i have this friend who works in a lfs and he tells me they have H.elongatus H.barbouri H.tuberculatus H.angustus in stock any idea what to get, something a bit harder but worth the effort it hehehe
  2. hey all sea horse lovers ^^ i keep read all your posts in here i am starting to fall in love with sea horses lol !!! i cant put them in my tank atm due to my BTA =( BUT no fear i have a few tanks from my fresh water fish lol i wonder if they can be used ? they quite small around i say around 45 cm long about 26 width and like 30 height. if they can be used wat sp. is a good one to start with and wat stuff i need etc basicly a rough guide maybe some links and some pictures of sea horse tanks i sort of wanted to do a nature senerio not with pipes and stuff thanks for advise in advance nani
  3. could it possible the a disease ??? cause i use to see that happen in a tank at a fish chip place i talked to the owner the next day and they had a diease and they were all removed :S
  4. hey everyone i thought i just these product do the job if u want to feed your rotifer or boost the copepod pop in your plus it comes with coral food these are live which are even better so u can culture them http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry357476 gogogo before they all sold out
  5. yeah make sure u prune them or if they go sexual u might get all the bio matarial back into your tank >.<
  6. for the sand dont really need to mix it up your flow of the water and fishes will mix it for u coz if u mix your old sand u get a huge ammonia spike or even a nirate spike actinics can be online 24 i know some people who do that but most people have u whites on until when ever then turn off leaving the actinics on and leave maybe 2 -4 hours as moonlight then it turns off for the nite. usally when u have actinic on for the corals in the tank and other fish it seems like night time for them since the blue is like moonlight so you would be seeing the corals acting how they usally act at night time
  7. whats the cheapest setup that somebody has done ??? i made a small gold fish tank to a mini reef tank with few corals and 2 baby clown fish for my cousin costed me around 90 bucks (aussie dollars) *the fish from my spawning* (tank size was 30x 15 x 15 cms
  8. hey well i hope u have fun in australia ^^ i am in perth but i know people in sydney our aus reefing club might able to help u with their lfs dic http://www.masa.asn.au/main.php?page=php/r...lLfsByState.php have fun shopping
  9. hey have a look at this http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=27602 janet has some Mh with timers if u want to buy them and the timers work like a charm 100 %
  10. i used daz the brightness owns my old aquaz ones !!!! and they cheaper !!! ALL HALE THE DAZS LIGHTING lol my 2 cents
  11. well you should get a spike :S unless u getting water from the wrong place like a river inlet .... also get the water in the phototic zone (dont know how to spell) because anything below will have alot of no3 and po4
  12. yeah i am with Dotty1313 best to possible move to another tank or a qt tank the ones that are still alive and watch them and the water
  13. hmmm which other ones are in cano ... pet magic is a no no dont know the other one there are a few dodgy ones in perth but u just gottta where to look and when
  14. possible it has eggs inside or it has just eaten or u got a internal parasite
  15. erm not that far there is alot in perth here are some recommended ones if u ever come to perth again http://www.masa.asn.au/main.php?page=php/r...lLfsByState.php also come say hi i setting up a breeding station for fish and corals
  16. lol if u want blue ring oct come to wa and catch your self some lol dam funny in perth there is a company called "rent a Octopus" which they bring a small little one and put it in your marine tank of course this is when you first start one with live rock and it goes around eating all the crabs u dont want and stuff funny stuff
  17. hey vodak i see u been lfs in perth that store is really nice as u would of see and liam (owner) is a nice guy next time you in perth go check out ocean reef aquariums they are number 1 in perth for MASWA
  18. ermmm Achilles Tang said they are endangered and there shouldnt be any caught or even captive ones unless in zoo aquarium or watever (AQWA) western australia is very strict on these stuff and isnt most sea dragons in aus temperate water ???
  20. wow nice i hope to start a sea horse breeding in my aquaculture station wats is that hole in the left ? and wats with the starfish never know he might think the sea horses are lunch or snacks LOL keep up the good work
  21. ermm clownies cant get stung due to they slim on they body possible white spots ? might want to check out wat it could be and get some medication for it
  22. u can buy those traps and put a piece of meat in it or u can easy make one for your self i used a those 2 L bottle and put a piece of meat in it and the next day i had 5 crabs in there ... but i am a lobster would go for the meat too
  23. from what i read from a website that my friend gave me http://www.seahorses.de/breedingpreparations.htm it says they do feed them plankton at early stages if i am correct rotifers are a type of plankton ... i am just wrong lol ... well anyway have a look at that website quite detailed how to breed sea horses and how to feed the young ones i am still waiting for my clownies to lay their eggs :'( just got my order of green water and rots trying to set up my culture now
  24. have a look at my website under links there is a website it's about coral farm and they teach you how to do it i think they even have movies to teach you i learnt alot from that website
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