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Everything posted by valerossi

  1. Looking for SKIMMER.pm mi if u got 1 for sale
  2. zhi-zhong-u study in montfort pri and sec? u in wat stream?express?? looking at ur year, we should know u!
  3. So where did u all go to purchase ur marine life??any recommendation? 'whale' and i go to one of the shop in macpherson.nearer to our house!!!
  4. never mind...it's okie.....so did u manage to sell off all ur marine??
  5. it's best to put a pics of ur tank here...and the dimension and thickness upzzz
  6. cannot find time to go back to school to talk to our old teacher....busy working...so we can gather on weekend and talk '######'
  7. Maybe 'whale' and i want to know how is our old teacher doing!
  8. there is alway 1 saying,even when i go to ARMY it alway the same saying. 'ONE A MONTFORTIAN, ALWAY A MONTFORTIAN'!!!!
  9. come on all MONTFORTIAN, dun be shy....list out ur name...maybe we studying in the same class b4 we just wan to gather only and share knowledge abt marine life....
  10. akaho-u from Montfort too? u studying in it now? u live in hougang? remember mi?? i thought u quit marine life liao?
  11. try this http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32257
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