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Everything posted by keithtanbb

  1. Hi , firstly thanks to all for the input, had put off the garden culture till I can be sure of success...formerly using spare cabinet space to grow phytoplankton (from culte disk i got on the internet from florida farm) I have 1 last disk , anyway last week end just started working on the "garden culture" as in a tub of filtered tap water (0.5 micron) /salt mixed -Oceanic-. Innoculate it with live planktom bottle form -german brand-NOT WORKING OUT! do you think they sterilised them at the factory? Have 0.5 percent evaportion rate (visual calculation) I did use fertiliser . Think I will restart the culture with my last disk of pure florida farm phytoplankton tomorrow-Thanks all
  2. You need to acclimatise the small BT, you can use rocks or SPS skeletons(I find they like to hide inside my SPS -seek shelter) also that way u can see them well.Feed with live brine shrimp/mysis if you can , otherwise frozen pellets and generous amount of seaweed!,Tangs are territorial so the bigger or more aggressive fish will chase the other, provide hiding spot. I have 2 purple tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 Acanthurus sohal, 2 hippo (BT , 1 adult , 1 3 inches) all in my 7 feet alongside others!
  3. No.....just a natural procress...the "heads" will fall and drift away, but new ones will regenerate, dont throw the shell away thinking it died!
  4. a picture tells a thousand words.......easier if u show us a picture for us to comment. I am using a 3 feet skimmer....that is raise from the sump by 3 feet...need a strong pump to generate enough pressure..foams.I guess before proceeding further,, some more details need to be filled!
  5. that is red slime algae is correct!, happens when that area is not circulated , allowing the algae to settle and form, will develop further and produce bubbles.Simple adjustment of yout water flow should reduce the problem,otherwise take the rock out and give it a good brushing
  6. Just observe some space between all your different type of coral species, as they will compete with one another for terrritorial dorminance...such is life. I do mix corals in my tank, but keep them well spaced out, and at different level. (had a few casualties before such as hammer stinging plate corals...!)
  7. my advice, set 1 short spike sea urchin( they will take care of the " rootz' of your hair algae problem, additionally get a couple ofr turbo snails, peppermint shrimp,-,a black sea cucumber for your clean up crew!
  8. bro, definitely not...looks like u need more research into kelvin points ! the normal home use bulbs are 2700k, you can get the light shops to change it to 6500k, but even that is niot enought to sufficiently sustain the energy from lights that the corals zooxanthellae needs =10,000k to 12,000 minimum to replicate the intense sunlight at noon! http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-03/atj/index.php http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/2/aafeature http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...&articleid=2693
  9. hey bro- unfortunately that is not chaetomorpha.It looks like caulerpa species....the chaeto's look more like green brillo pad." Caulerpa are invasive and may release toxins from their stems are cut.So you may find the nano tank overun very soon! (like my little experiment on a 3 feet tank) in 2 months- was very crowded!
  10. do you have any short spike sea urchin (brown or tuxedo type), try one - they scrape my rocks for algae (the long spikes ones will stripe off coralline -DONT GET THIS KIND! your algae bloom is due to your feeding/nutrients, you can tryother friendlier algae like chaetomorpha's to compete for with the hair algae for nutrients
  11. not too strong flow directed at them! good lightings, I feed them market prawns cut -up to bits, fishes,cleaner shrimps will try to steal from them. Good water quality upmost importance.
  12. as per last thread.....1)Harvesting my chaetomorpha algae due to excess harvest from my "natural light, mangrove, refugium" grown under natural sunlight-very green! -selling per box $10/- ;as per picture Ideal collection places : 1) United Square at Thomson Road (Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm) 2) Tanah Merah -MRT weekends -preferably in evening to later at night 3) Kembangan-nearer the Chai Chee side......on Sunday late afternoon... Please PM me on your choice of item, place and time of pick up...other locale will be considered...(depends on time/schedule-plan to visit aquamarin mid week.so that route is considered as well. these chaeto's are grown in my mangrove tanks.(2 months since this pic taken) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry514528
  13. Pardon me for not being current and ujpdated. Any dates/venue set for the reef gathering? Or has the idea been shelved? I would like very much to attend it ,pending the schedule..... the vote has been fairly successful (for those who bothered to cast their vote) I have met some fellow reefers who had bought some chaeto's from me and our chats, there seem to be alot of interest in this hobby.will be a good opportunity to meet up/share some ideas
  14. hi juscool, like most here I also suggest you go for snails , and short spikes urchins , ((the long spikes ones grind my rocks for the coralline algae-they are bad news!)). The algae/grime collecting on glass surfaces is unavoidable, especially if your tank is sited near natural sunlight, like mine is. I use natural sea water, and filtered tap water. When I do "tap" water changes theres more algae,diatom bloom than when I go for NSW, but I like to alternate.I am harnessing the power of chaeto's algae, caulerpa algaes and mangroves , these are alternative nutrients absorbant , (if you have space, I suggest you hook up a tank, to give you extra voume, and soak up all that silicates, phosphates! thus competing with the bad algae. Directing your flow at the glass can help reduce your blurred view...but then that dont solve your nutrients issues! Also are your phytoplankton laced with plants fertilizers ? did you buy them from the shop or mix up your own batch?
  15. As the chaeto's in my refugium are doing so well. Will be able to deliver some more in 1 and half ,2 months time .I am happy to take advance reservation/order via PM to me, if any fellow reefers like to make sure there is available stock then! Otherwise thank you all for visiting me here. Been a pleasure participating in the online sale here. Guys who were genunine and took pain to meet me and made purchase, I thank you and God bless ! see you soon! May your caheto's be greener than mine!
  16. hey bro, that is a red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) pod, otherwise know as 'walking mangrove" spray top with fresh water to simulate rain/dew when you can the green grapes algae can turn asexual,without enough lighting period. personally i like a black sea cucumber to clean my sand bed
  17. Hi, Jervis ;how are the chaeto's algae?Bie, Dont mind if I hijack this thread -since you are on the subject of Juwel/overflow, thought i will contribute, since I am Diy-ing a overflow ,you guys might be interested and can enhance on the experience http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=44052&st=0 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=41578&st=0 Bie , have lots of patience, read up more, and good luck!
  18. 1) OCTOPUS SOLD ! 2) 5 Boxes of Chaeto sold - 1 LAST BOX left (othewise next harvest in 2 months time !) Thank you very much for those who has collected the most wonderful marine algae specie I know! appreciate the extra effort you guys made to come to my office to collect them. (hope you like the amphipods laced package! to seed your refugium with!) cheers -
  19. Thanks Jervis! Keep long photo period on that- 24 hours/ 7days a week is mine. Left with 2 Boxes now- As I am packing 1 today and 1 for saturday... Octopus is still for sale! -PM me if anyone one is interested.
  20. Hi ; danlim ; you can place them in a basket to prevents fish from eating them. But best to get a refugium going, or at least a hang on type!! anway some info for you below - Chaetomorpha (Spaghetti) Macro Algae is useful for exporting unwanted nutrients ; Chaetomorpha is a durable macro algae but unlike Caulerpa, it does not produce a number of substances which can create problems for corals in closed systems and does not go sexual by releasing it's reproductive products and nutrients back into the water column which would degrade water quality. It does not grow that aggresively like some other Caulerpa by overtaking your tank and it's inhabitants with rapid growth. That's why it's preferred macro algae. Chaetomorpha is more stable and not overly invasive, and easy to harvest. Chaetomorpha is a much better macro algae for nutrient export purposes. It is easily grown in a sump or refugium with inexpensive 24/7 flourescent lighting. It grows fast in a refugium with a 'slow upwards water movement' using a small pump for circulation. The refugium should spill water back into your sump. Since adding Chaetomorpha Macro Algae, my refugiums are now home to many tiny detrivores, which include copepods, bristle worms, mysid shrimps, and brittle stars which all play a significant role in cleansing the system. The water quality has improved so much that there are now many small white and red feather dusters growing out the pieces of live rock in the refugium. Chaetomorpha Macro Algae is also a great source of nutrition for Tangs and Angels! .... if i can borrow from :-http://www.macro-algae.com/
  21. 1) Chaetomorpha algae -selling per box $10/- 2) Selling my pet-octopus for $30/- (to pay for his room and board!) Ideal collection places : 1) United Square at Thomson Road (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 8pm) 2) Tanah Merah -MRT weekends -preferably in evening to later at night 3) Kembangan-nearer the Chai Chee side......on Sunday late afternoon... incase some guys miss out the locations for delivery......
  22. BACK ON SALE ! 1) CHAETO MORPHA ALGAE :-4 boxes ( 2 guys cancelled order ) 2) 3 months old Octopus :- $30/- ( Guy cancelled reservation !) algae picture as packed for collection today! amphipods in there as well-fat ones!
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