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Everything posted by dreamzcape

  1. so does chaeto need very strong lights? will turn asexual? heard it's much safer than caulerpa coz it won't leach back or something like that.
  2. yo maxstar, the design was it your own idea? i thought for an ios the return pump would go over the top instead of pumping through to the tank? from the bottom like that?
  3. yeah city of angels posted this in kopitiam
  4. then buy a small tank and make her a nano with that fish inside lah lol....my gf also last time see marine so pretty. then in the end my interest shoot up she lose interest. anyway we better stop diluting the thread hehe
  5. as elimmel said..they need constant cleaning....if not then they will stop rotating
  6. what u can do when you introduce new fire gobies is u put them into betta container near the tank for acclimitisation first....let them get used to whatever food ur feeding + help them to be not shy abit. I think it should work Warning about gobies though, they are jumpers
  7. oh my goodness....i think doing a reef tank that size in singapore would be a very quick way to blow at least half a million
  8. corallife brand also quite ok for me actually
  9. wah sounds fierce....condolences lah seriously...looks like fish research is really important...cannot anyhow buy
  10. using the largest eheim liberty filter. chris, i was thinking about using rowa in a bag also but was hoping to go more natural. Does chaeto need very strong lights? No doubt if i start using the HOB like a fuge i will definitely put a sponge at the outflow like you said ian. i've no qualms about giving up the eheim cartridges totally, currently i wash them everyday(freshwater wash, let liverocks do their thing) coz the ffilter is there for mech filtration only. how? Also sorry BFG for this semi hijack.
  11. indeed it is very interesting...just took a brief look at....looks neat
  12. oh maxstar can pm me ur tankmaker friend contacT? thinking of customing something soon too.
  13. actually yar i have heard of something like that before...bedroom aquariums, think the placing very important in terms of fengshui.
  14. if i'm using a HOB can i just dump the chaeto inside the HOB? i'm only using the HOB for mech filtration...bio is through rocks...me too not running skimmer...just water change
  15. sell house, buy boat....this way things won't go disappearing in the night. however maybe when swimming with the fishes, we are the ones who disappear
  16. nice brief paragraph there marineman. think it gives a very clear general picture of what to expect of ozone.
  17. having fishes will generally reduce the population...in my opinion i think there's no need to seek a fish that soley preys on the population
  18. ozone if i'm not wrong, also does help break down some unskimmable products in the water to skimmable products...plus your water will apparently be very clear...but with the danger of overdose i think wanna dose dose properly if not don't do it at all
  19. yep damsels naturally aggressive. if i'm not wrong, clownfishes are also in the damselfishes family...the yellow tail is supposed to be one of the more tamed damsels i think. Have heard stories of reefers actually having to fish the damsels out...as in really use hook and line.
  20. ah thanks....i'm too lazy to actually remember so many details man...haha thanks ian..but actually hor...naka...what u can do is set up a mini tank using some old sand and actually let the critter population explode then every month u so some sand exchange, help keep the sandbed populated.
  21. was in hall 7 now still in hall 7...my tank is a about 1.3ft...just a small one for me to enjoy...false clowns and i bta...a few normal green yumas...simple stuff...going for revamp soon though.
  22. oops i meant great job on the lighthood
  23. no no, i was not asking about the flowrate...i'm just wondering about the concept of the whole modification...how it changes the normal flow into a tunze pattern flow...if you can find the link thanks alot henry.
  24. haha i'm not sure if i'm the only who caught that but...to be more politically correct (haha) great job man!
  25. first of all...congratulations on being able to get a weipro to work for you...it's definitely worth it. could there possibly be any obstruction in the inlet tubing? also maybe test the pump in pail full of water, tilting here and there, making sure it works in all angles. Sounds like a very weird problem, hope u get over it soon.
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