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Everything posted by LaW

  1. nice fish kai, good luck with it.
  2. http://glassbox-design.com/2009/researcher...th-172-billion/
  3. this is cool. i wonder how the organizer get the people going and practising the same move. big effort.
  4. you need to check whether is it bubbles or dirt itself good flow + sponge + feed less ==> removes particles carbon + UV + ozone ==> water will be clear for sure or good population of bac + adding of carbon source like ethanol helps too.
  5. hi chamty, nice reef setting you have there. but I find that your nano is too small or too 'short' for your seahorse. its rather torturing to see them in a small environment I felt. regards
  6. nice nice. how much u paid for it? from ML? and most likely that fella got mood for love when lights are off. lol
  7. very nice. try taking with main lights on, i want to see its color under it.
  8. hi freddy, i believe so that they have it but i could be wrong. call them @ 68412912. Larry got his FIP pipes from there thats of european standard if my recollection serve me well. all the best
  9. if its ick, FW dips wont helps as those buggers burrow below fish mucous preventing from getting affected from the osmolatic shock. however, monitor ur clown, if u see them restless and slimy, very likely its brook aka clownfish disease. it can kill a fish within 8hrs. bloody scary infection to me. so take note. just in case for brook, can use formalin which is very effective provided that if u can get a hold on it. if not, use nitrofuran family antibiotics. all the best.
  10. alternative is doze bacteria. its part and parcel of a new tank. do frequent water change and add bac. when ur tank is more stable, these problems will reduce. all the best. warmest regards, Lawrence
  11. good price for the conspic angel thank you my friend.
  12. new thank? moniter for another day and see how it goes. dose bacteria as well to prevent stress from waste from the nitrogen cycly
  13. try this, Voca people. they use no instrument.
  14. welcome to src pagarus1 and congratulation on ur success of your fries. happy reefing
  15. hi reefer guy nice shots, what camera you used while shooting? and how much you paid for the package to there?
  16. ehiem is a good work cow minus away their wattage used.
  17. paiseh. dead tired can't think properly, but still need to rush presentation
  18. he is the moderator and i believe he is just selling off his excess. and welcome to src Dave97. and nice first post btw.
  19. hi rudees, 1) skimmer is a better to on 2) lighting is up to you but i suggest, yes, oning it is better.
  20. Cf have lots of radient wrasse. 1 male and female splendid leopard.
  21. hi, what would you use an airpump when hte skimmer is a venturi skimmer? i will suck air on its own i used to used 2000-2500 lph pump to drive. to me its still a not bad skimmer but still, there is lots of option of skimmer in the market. maybe u should try to not use an airpump but a slightly stronger water pump to drive it. playing with the water level in ur skimmer to determine whats best to ur liking. and perhpas u can clean the air intake part with some rather mid hot water to wash the air nozzle. maybe theres salt creep that affects bubble produce too. and one get a kopiO skimmate but might not be for another using the same skimmer. its really up to individual tank and water quality/stocking. happy reefing
  22. coming australia shipment at lck. including wrasse and angels. ora platinum percula, mccullochi clown and feminus coming too. and confirmed that this ora shipment have NO green banded goby. GOING BROKE!!!
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