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Everything posted by LaW

  1. hi jeremy, gem still growing, now letting go those that i have too much or taking too much space. i'll see that else i can let go.
  2. ok Jim. thanks for helping me clear, tank getting too messy. see you soon.
  3. blue yuma with orange tip $15 for a polyp. should have atleast 50cents coin big.
  4. blue mushroom with yellow staining. $15 for about 3 polyps.
  5. have 3 colors if im not wrong. $15.
  6. it was more bluish center, but i think i blast it with too much lights or my tank couldnt hold blue zoas. $15 for about 20 polyps
  7. water melon bliss. $20 very nice texture
  8. pink paly with greenish skirt. look rather similar to lord the ring without the green. sorry for the over exposed pic. $20 for 15-20 polyps.
  9. red people eater. ruby red in color with distinctive green mouth about 15-20 polyps $15 sorry for the overexposed pic. forget to set my ISO back to low. but the color is ruby red.
  10. want to clear asap to clear space for other plans. 1st) plate coral purplish $20
  11. best to give us the dimension so as to give you more option for it
  12. double post. paiseh. click too fast.
  13. thank you Marc for your congrates. and thank you again for your kind intentions behind. im actually helping a friend of mine to bid. be back soon my friend.
  14. Hi MOssrope, seen them at CF at those big tanks yesterday. ***acans at CF is very good price for some of the larger pieces.
  15. whats the height? you never state all the 3 dimensions. hard to judge from there.
  16. hi, try reef depot. i seen them having that days back. shld be less than $10.
  17. hi En_Thai, welcome. more info on address and shop name can be found here. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=52 LCK = Lim Chu Kang 201 CF = Coralfarm ML = Marinelife GO = Golden Octopus etc etc.
  18. 1 year should be ok. use betta box, observe for 4-7days if have brook, it should surface during that period of time. observe closely. yes i do adjust the pH, but if i did remember correctly, i didnt adjust the temp and pH at the later dips. but still, dun take chance, adjust it. its rather easy if u got the buffer and equipment to do that. and always aerate vigourously. all the best for ur next batch.
  19. how old is ur tank? befuran will help. but u need to dip each day. if not getting better. dip every twice a day. dip in 95% FW + 5% tank water or perhaps 100% FW. Previously i done 95% FW + 5% tank water for about 5-10min. shake the fish if they are restless and try to ly by their side. then i dip 30min of 5litre of tank water with 1 sacket (2g) of befuran. my clowns were better by the 2nd day and started eating. act fast, if not the fish might not tolerate the dip. all the best.
  20. hi http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84062 refer to this link and you will get a better understanding of the brook
  21. hooked up my refugium got SCWD.
  22. test run *wah kao, so dark*
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