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Everything posted by LaW

  1. so held up...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AloysiusMun


      I second that. Hahaha!

    3. LaW


      $$$ is always not enough. time is the one im lacking seriously these days.

    4. cool guy

      cool guy

      Same here. Got money no shipment. When got shipment no money... Hmmm....

  2. seen most equipments before recently. looks new. up.
  3. i go for both. Reef depot carries Danichi. Whereas iwarna got the faunamarin. iwarna might have danichi but i can be wrong. call them to check. perhaps people dun really look in to researching. brine shrimp are like snacks for most of us. i still use brine shrimp as well, but only use it to get some fish to start eating. for some reason, brine shrimp gets a fish to start eating sooner compared to mysis in my experience. still, if you want nice color on fish, get a chiller and proper lightings. lighting do play a part as well, needs to experience it. all the best.
  4. do away the brine shrimp, they are empty shells food. go for Danichi's pellet food. have got 2 kind, one for vege eater and the other is normal. Reef depot carries it. or go for Faunamarin's color based food pellet. invest in a chiller, i never look back.
  5. have chiller? normally fish got more intense color when temp is lower in the range.
  6. Dear all, LCK Coral Shipment postpone to saturday.
  7. hi Nigel, not from xxx but from another fella you knew as well. Thank you CF
  8. very natural looking pictures, specimens should look similar when viewed from top. up for you.
  9. i suspect so, hope it they both likes one another.
  10. No way i can keep them my friend, be it in terms of $ and system im having, just that the premium priced specimens are more easily remembered. yeah, i bought scooter male for my lonely female. but my female is chasing the much larger male away.
  11. yeah and the price is a premium. thats why it left a scar in my head.
  12. BTW, I dunno price for most of them so save your time asking me. hope i don't sound rude because i dun have that intention at all.
  13. not too into eels and butterfly so not so good with their names. im actually only more familiar with wrought iron butterfly and dragon eel.
  14. Hawaii Cont 2, The larger butterfly, for the new owner future reference: Stick together team Barlette Anthias, Flame wrasse, young male. color was much nicer after i took this picture. Some Flame angels are really huge:
  15. Hawaii Cont. Small Potter, cute fellas Goldflake 1 of 4 Goldflake 2 of 4 Goldflake 3 of 4, For Sonny's future reference Yellow Tang, Chevron Tang, taken with flash Another Chevron Tang, just notice its kissing the glass. Interesting picture of Flame angel spitting water over Chevron. too bad its low in aperture.
  16. Hawaii on lemon's request and for his reference: Harlequin shrimp PAIR, purple variant, Hymenocera Picta, not the Elegan Black tang, 3~4" Black tang, ~2"
  17. Cont of Sri Langa Huge Eel, dunno the ID. the the largest I seen offered in LFS. very alert fella, reacts to me whenever i get close. sorry that some pic appears more to yellowish. check out the size. can serve unagi to many, just happened to take this pic, the diameter can be compared to the arm. Leopard prinz
  18. Some picture updates. Black tip sharks from Sri Lanka. These fella are shipped by wooden crates so as to provide them space for swimming to keep their gills flushed with water. the shipping rate on these should hurts a bit for the wooden crate size. Plenty of blue eyed anthias Plenty of Clown tang with very distinctive stripes. Heard came in about 50-60 Red scooter. Its been, as far as I know, a while since these fellas are spotted in Singapore. edited picture appears a bit yellowish. Size varies from small to large. females and males. one of the largest male that are more seldom seen than female. notice the much longer dorsal.
  19. LCK Hawaii Shipment Arrived. Estimated quantity. Barlett Anthias x Many Crosshatch Trigger x 4 (6-7", beautiful scaled beast) ===> paging for edwin Bandit Angel x 1 (5-6") Goldflake Angel x 4 (small to medium) Yellow tangs x Many (Size Varies) Flame angels x Many (Size Varies but some are really Huge!) Harlequin Shrimp x 2 PAIR Butterfly x 2, don't really know much on butterfly (3" +/-) Black Tang x 2 (small to medium) Chevron tang x couple of them. Those looking for fire and cleaner shrimp, can find it at LCK. Very good size and huge.
  20. 7pm if im not wrong. Hi limsc, i amended it only after he reminded me.
  21. Sri Lanka Shipment arrived. Clown Tang Unicorn Tang Clown Trigger Stone Fish ==> needs to confirm the ID Red Scooter Blood Shrimp Cleaner Shrimp Moris Idol Eel ==> needs to confirm as well. Black Tip Sharks. ==> these fellas were shipped by crates. Powder Blue Tang Blue Eyed Anthias Think should have more, but i couldn't remember all. will update again if theres more if i can remember. oh yeah, amended. but no rosy scales from the invoice read to me.
  22. I remember someone is looking for it too.
  23. Sri Lanka Shipment arrived. Clown Tang Unicorn Tang Clown Trigger Stone Fish ==> need to confirm the ID Red Scooter Blood Shrimp Cleaner Shrimp Moris Idol Eel ==> needs to confirm as well. Black Tip Sharks. ==> these fellas were shipped by crates. Powder Blue Tang Blue Eyed Anthias Think should have more, but i couldn't remember all. will update again if theres more if i can remember.
  24. Brought fore, LCK: Sri Langka Arriving this afternoon. Heard got many shrimps(blood or cleaner) and 3 black tip sharks the rest of stocklist to be confirmed.
  25. LCK: Sri Langka Arriving this afternoon. Heard got many shrimps(blood or cleaner) and 3 black tip sharks the rest of stocklist to be confirmed.
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