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Everything posted by LaW

  1. i believe its of the same origin, australia, but might be breeded from different location. its a matter of time, normally few mouths for them to reach nice black from orange/dull orange/brown (juv). but not all will have their lips turned full black as far as i know.
  2. welcome to src brandonm, i bet your pico will be inspiring many.
  3. the anemone are red in color and small too. i was told it was from australia. some pretty stuff for the season. ang ang, ang ang.
  4. thanks Peter, was rushing to bid this. thanks alot. will pm you now.
  5. thats extreme. very good price.
  6. the LED are impressive. looks over killed for your tank size, maybe that explains why u placed it higher. and paiseh on the seperated mushie. must have gave u some troubles.
  7. im glad im able to share. and if possible, take a clearer picture, stop feeding/lesser these few days/do water change/clear your filters/add UV/Ozone. it will help abit in lower columnaris count in the column. all the best cool.
  8. columnaris are opportunists. they feed on flesh on open wounds. so answer to your question is yes. but its rather unlikely to infect all ur fishes unless ur water condition is that bad and your fishes kept fighting having open wounds. all the best cool. try to act fast. im my experience, it can scar a fish if the columnaris eat their way too "in" to the flesh. in worst case i seen so far, columnaris ate away the one of the upper or lower jaw of my friend's fish, leading to the fish no longer able to feed and died soon after that. and perhaps you could take a clearer and less exposed picture for me to be more sure its columnaris.
  9. up for a good price and a nice gentleman.
  10. all the best for ur this male. hope that fella could settle down soon unlike ur previous which was very unfortunate. all the best for ur tank and hope ur joker face will surface soon.
  11. carbon should do the trick but depending on what you are keeping. unless you are more of the "perfectionist", then get RO. startup cost high but its the most cost effective in the long run IMO.
  12. welcome to src imcosmokramer extremely neat tank. and i like ur lineatus. bet its a rather young tank and its impressive to have this kind of standard for a rather new tank. i love your marco shots and a lower ISO will be of better noise reduction making less grainy. keep up the standard and happy reefing.
  13. take note that the logo will be embroided in black, so you might want to choose a lighter color if you want ur logo to be more of seeable.
  14. it is very likely mouth fungus. though given the name fungus, but very likely caused by the bacterium columnaris. this is due to bad environment such as over stocking or too much left over food etc. use antibiotic on ur tank. medication like furan of API or any antibiotic will normally do the job. or if u got source for kanamycin, dip it in ur food and offer it. but it will take longer time. if its inconvenient to dose in your tank or set up an hospital tank. dip it with befuran at full strenght. or dip with myazin with 5 times the recommended dosage on a known volume of water for half an hour. observe the fish. i dipped my wrasse with mouth rot and fin rot before. took me about 2 or 3 dip on seperate days to get rid of it. but no one recommended this before and i came up with this method simply by myself. so dip it at your own risk. all the best and be hasty. it will rather easily if your tank condition wasnt as good.
  15. allow me to be the first after you. support u together with the wild life. and thank you for taking time on these. Nick name: shirt Color code ( Please check pdf attachment) / Size ( S/M/L/XL ) / Quantity required 1. Harlequin Mania / HC0300 white / L / 02 pcs 2. LaW / HC0305 red / M / 01 pcs 3. 4. 5. 6.
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