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Everything posted by LaW

  1. been using baking soda when i first started my reef tank. be careful with it. a little dose will make ur KH go sky high.
  2. for i am pes A, i am medically fit but never physically. i count myself unlucky for that. darn!
  3. no good. just leave it. it take years to grow. i leave mine under my stars
  4. yes there are. its a common item found in LFS i seen a couple of them in ML. regards, LaW
  5. nice adv bro. but i guess u mistaken this forum as kopi-tiam already. cheers~
  6. wooohooohoooo.. thats one great specimen. very very very beautiful~! nicest yumas i seen so far...
  7. if u dun wish to get watery skimate. tune the water level further off from the collection cup. regards, LaW
  8. baby gal~ sweet~ congratulation AlfaRomeo remember not to spend or concentrate too much on reef already. spend it on ur baby gal more~! but still must remember to do the basic maintenance! A toast for ur baby gal. cheers~ warmest regards, LaW
  9. im using weipro 2012 too but on AT-104 (2000l/hr) on my 2-feet (57L) tank. tuned the water level to 0.25~0.5 inch below the collection cup. skimate is dark brown watery type and get thick dark brown mud round the collection cup opening after 3 days of operation after cleaned the cup. if u want to get watery skimate which means more nutrients is removed (IMO better). tune the water level higher like mine or less than 0.5 inch. green skimate? i dunno much on that. but i heard if a coral is coloured, the skimate is normally having the coloue of the coloured corals. so do u have a green colour coral in ur tank? if so, the coral might be the problem. or do u have lightings very near ur skimmer? if so, it might be algae growing on it too. cheers bro, i will try to help u as much as i can. regards, LaW
  10. AT's tank was in there too last yr. this is the second time loren~ hehe
  11. simply marvelous. hope to check out ur tank some time cheers danano cheers
  12. i have these in my tank since i set up my first aquarium. it has been more than 1.5 yr in my tank already. no problem with that. IMHO its safe. just leave it there
  13. it looks good anyway. hope the colour stays on regards, LaW
  14. reefa, be patient to minimize loss. just my 2cent. hope the MI do well in ur tank. good setup though regards, LaW
  15. updated 1)dezimondo@yahoo.com.sg (mUAr_cHEe aka Mr Chee from Muar, M'sia) 2)edwan3@singnet.com.sg( Kai) AKa giantbicycle 3) baphomet@singnet.com.sg ( Shien aka SpiderOne ) 4) cooliojenn@hotmail.com (jenn wei) 5) devilsbar@hotmail.com ( Nigel / Reddevils ) 6) coperband_pisces@hotmail.com 7) nazumi01@yahoo.com (Jas) 8) rlxt_diablo@hotmail.com (gothia) 9) lost_law@hotmail.com (LaW)
  16. seachem garlic guard is cheaper and good enough my fish loves it
  17. hahaha lorenzo SH went upside already =x pity...
  18. marvelous. going~ UPZ. hope u find a good job soon. cheers bro chill. regards, LaW
  19. marvelous lady. simply impressive. keep us update on ur beauties. once again... I'm very impress I wish both ur SHs and u urself well. regards, LaW
  20. looks like baby coco worms to me.. do the white part body move? if not, high chances its coco. i have a couple of them in my tank though.
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