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Everything posted by jonathan543

  1. plus now the pump siao siao liao... koz i'm running on timmer ma... it would not operate when the timmer switches to on! oni after i gave it a hard tap the pump would run... y? omg...
  2. woo i posted liao and pmed some of the guys... guessed i'm too late haahaa... anyidea how much does one costs? juz an estimate?
  3. should the pump connected to the kalkreactor be on a timer? if so how long per interval is recommended? is it advisable to keep it running all the way because the topup occured several times in an hour... think because i'm using 5fans on my 2ft tank & 2more in my refugium haahaa... pls advice! =)
  4. the pump was connected to my kalk reactor so water was present in the pump at all times... oh well guess time to change to a new pump le... any idea how much does a new one costs? any cheaper alternative to eheim pumps?
  5. hi ya... looking for a 2ft lightset(tubes included or not not important) & external pumps(might be getting 3 if price is rite)... pls advice on the condition, specs & pls pls do ensure they're in a good working condition. also looking for cleaner shrimps, bloodshrimps, sexyshrimps, orange star & neon goby. can meet up this weekend for trade.... tks for ur viewing!
  6. checked & cleaned liao... now that the cracking sounds had gone, the pump would not operate even when its on, koz i can feel the vibrations when i hold the pump(confirm the pump is running) but the water would not pump... help help!
  7. my eheim pump had cracking sounds when it started up. i did take out everything & cleaned the impeller & other thingy but the sounds still remained. it was connected to my kalk reactor on timer & imagine the cracking sounds suddenly in the middle of the night... haahaa... sounds almost like rigid plastic sheets cracking... pls help!! thanks!
  8. yoz chinmo... read up somewhere dat keeping mangroves is not an effective way to export nutrients. koz they grew too slow(=take in nutrients slow too), & does need daily spraying of freshwater on their leaves to rinse away the salt deposits. i collect mine from pulau hantu haha. if ur collecting pls take those pods with no roots or leaves sprouting as if they're kept in a diff salinity from the place where they're originally collected from, most prob they wun survive...
  9. titanium spokes not dat ex... i bought marwi tridye(3 colours) for $4.8o per pc, think normal bare finish dt ti spokes around $3 per pc... if u wan i think i have a broken off marwi spoke somewhere...
  10. yoz rockfish, i AM relaxed & was trying to voice out all my unpleasantness in my best words i can put down in the earlier pm. i had tested out ur overflow in a pail using the ###### method which u suggested. it failed as the outlet water was trickling out instead of gushing out. and i did make sure there's always water flowing into the holes in the skimmer. i restarted it countless times, took out to reseal the joints, and tested again, having the same results in the end. since i had tested the overflow in a pail, it should work the way it was made to, right? it WAS oni after i figured out & added the long pipe to the outlet(which i took alot of trouble to find the correct size), the siphon worked well. and now i set it up in my tank, the siphon restarted by itself with the ball valve closed, alot of bubbles dat wun go away even after a few days, & the drainage holes dat aren't sufficient to handle 2000l/hr as using a 1200l/hr pump, the water level had rose up to more than 3/4 of the holes' height. i already have re sealed the joints... and i din hear any leaking sounds anywhere on all the joints as i believed should the joints be leaking & air was sucked in, i should hear a ###### sound. and the water level inside the skimmer was higher than the water level in the main tank, but lower than the water level outside the skimmer after the pump had stopped for half an hour for all the draining to stop completely. and i think because my outlet pipe was underwater in the main tank, the siphon was held intact by the pressure of the water, koz when the water was going down inside the skimmer after the pump was switched off, i observed the water had gone down below the inlet pipe for a split second & a gulping sound was heard. then the water came back up slowly & maintained below the waterlevel outside the skimmer. when i on the pump again, the water rose very fast in the sump till it was almost to the rim of the skimmer then the full power of the siphon came & brought the waterflow under control. i had already emphasized alot dat i got upset koz u din test out the overflow 1st. i believed i would have saved alot of time & a little money spent for the overflow to at least work properly. cheers! *peace*
  11. haahaa...nope dats correct! i have altered the drawing... pls advice...
  12. hi... i had a diy overflow pipes done by a fellow reefer identical to wad melvin had built for the past few days & noticed a few problems & hope someone can enlighten me. setup: i had a 2x1x1ft refugium placed higher than my main 2x1.5x2ft tank. the overflow was placed in the refugium & the outlet pipe was extended into the main tank almost to the bottom underwater. i have placed a ball valve(not glued) on the pipe end which i can either pour water down or suck the air out to start the siphon. it was the highest part of the whole system. for the last 3days, i used a 1200l/hr pump & it's working fine... except bubbles which wouldn't go away for the past 3days. it was not too noisy & handled the waterflow not too well as the drainage holes on the surface skimmer are not sufficient. funny thing is when i turned off the pump & waited for the overflow to drain the water to stop, and when i started the pump again, the siphon would start again(ball valve fully closed)! in melvin's thread, someone did mentioned u have to make a hole on the end cap so should the pump stop & restart again, the siphon would not be broke & restart again. when the pump's running again, i tried to open the ball valve a tiny bit & alot of bubbles appeared in the outlet pipe! they ceased by a little bit when i turned the ball valve fully shut again. then i tried opened fully the ball valve. the siphon juz broke off & the overflow failed. okies... my questions: * where did the bubbles appeared from? from the surface skimmer where the water flowed down too fast down the drainage holes & bubbles was created from the turbulence or from the place where the t junction is, in which the 2pipes where water flowed in & out meet the end pipe where u suck air to get the siphon started? * will the bubbles go away by any means? or do i have to glue the ball valve to the endpipe? all joints was checked & sealed already. * why does the siphon would resume even though my valve was fully closed? tot with the end pipe fully closed the siphon will not resume again? * why does more bubbles appeared when i turned on the valve a little bit? could it be the siphon was actually ###### air from the end pipe? so when i opened the valve on the end pipe, i'm actually letting the siphon suck in the air more easily? wished i can attatch a pix of my setup... but no cam... haiz... pls advice & enlighten me! thanks!
  13. if wan to buy, buyonline... http://creativex.creative.com/products/lis...SubCategory=214 delivery charges few dollars nia... if u have a card... haahaa... but a really cool site to review the prices... not trying to say creative no gd... but tried it find dat the sound & eq not to my expectations(compared to iriver), the scrolling words sucks(not smooth flowing like the gd old memojazz pager & the iriver, more like jerky scroll), super tiny lcd screen and even thinner fonts(pretty hard to glance & noe wads on the screen, have to really look). for the gd points, the backlight is el light, even light distribution through out the screen(not like other korean brands like jnc or jvc,etc, leds on one side of the screen- uneven illumination), pretty rigid construction(compared to most other korean brands, but iriver still feels more rigid, apple shuffle heard even beta), small size, came wit tuner & not on integrated batt. and almost all my friends using creative say dat creative rocks la, sounds the best la, eq the best of all la, is making me sick. then i told them, u havent tried iriver yet, and offered them my iriver imp550. they have no comments ever since haahaa. yes i'm using one of the more ex sony earphones... think model 71. it offers earplug-sealed-in listening pleasure which u can feel the bass extending in ur ears, definately will boost the sound of any existing sets at a comfortable price. and i did swap the earphones on their creatives... did improve the bass response but nowwhere near iriver.... ipods was rumored on the net(forgot which review webby) as having one of the most powerful earphone amp on the portable players market. iriver comes close behind. iriver old webby once published the specs of it's once newest player, having playbacktime of 24hrs on a single AAA batt & 24mW of amp power(if i din remember wrongly). ipod is like 30mW? and reviewers keep commenting while iriver sounds fantastic, but ipod still sounds the best! i'm looking for a cheaper alternative to iriver, and since shuffle is so cheap, might be considering it if it offers the same spec as the full sized ipod. oh and dun forget, shuffle came wit a high end earphones, comparable in performance, maybe beta to my sony wor! juz my personal views heheheh oh & imp550 is a mp3cd player. had bought a flashmemory(last one, display set) but was found to be damaged at home, returned it & found out no more stock until next month. so i get imp550 plus a portable audio set as a top up for the price diff. though both are using the same eq, the flashmemory eq bass response actually sounded fuller & tighter. tried both of them listening to radio, the diff is there!
  14. haahaa.... the eq for itunes zia or not ar? any eq boost the bass till normal earphones sounded distorded by the bass beats? iriver too damn ex liao... using imp550 now, damn gd until i drop it few times then now reading errors liao... super sian. ya iriver gd for bass idiots like me but too damn ex! heard the latest ones have playback time of 24hrs on a single AAA! cool!
  15. haahaa... tried my friend's creative... sound not up to my expectations... so far i find the iriver's ultrabass eq the most shiok... can really feel the bass extending & filling my earbuds while having the punch & control without sounding too bloated... using normal earphones will distord the sound so now using sony's model 71smt. me oso think apple sucks but the feedback about the sound quality is the best ba... from wad i read. plus the fullsized ipod had one of the most highest powered amp.... dunno bout the shuffle...
  16. hey i might be getting one after all... look: Optimize Your Settings There are a few features that use your iPod battery more quickly. If you don’t use these features, your iPod will play tunes longer. Backlight: Setting the backlight to “always on” will significantly reduce your battery life. Only use the backlight when necessary. Equalizer: Adding EQs to playback uses more of your iPod processor, since they aren’t encoded in the song. Turn EQ off if you don’t use it. If, however, you’ve added EQ to tracks in iTunes, you’ll need to set EQ to “flat” in order to have the effect of “off,” because iPod keeps your iTunes settings intact. haahaa! u can actually add eq effect to the songs using itunes! onz! oh & btw the cost of replacing the $200batt... think of it as an installment for ur cost of buying a batt a day... less than $1 a day.... haahaa! woohoo... think ipod shuffle is on my wishlist liao....
  17. hmm from wad i can c, $178 is pretty a gd buy for it's 512mb storage. $268 for the 1gb model is hard to beat for the price. look around other brands & i think no one can offer dat much storage for the same price. of course u weigh the pro & the cons of the price against the lack of tuner, equaliser, long term battery issues & etc, all dat matters is ur personal preferences. for me, the downsides are: lack of tuner, equaliser & battery replacement issue. i can tackle anything elses except these! however for the good news, look wad i've copied from apple's webby: Maximum Battery Life iPod can play up to 12 hours and iPod mini can play up to 8 hours on a full charge at original capacity. Apple runs a number of tests for battery life using songs encoded in various formats, including MP3, AAC and songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store. The songs are played continuously through a playlist without interruption, with backlight and equalizer off, using factory default settings. Charge Cycles A properly maintained iPod battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full charge and discharge cycles. You may choose to replace your battery when it no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs. so in a nut's case, the maximum quoted playback time for ipods might not be correct as most of us would be switching on the backlights & equalizer while listening. and since ipod shuffle is a flashmemory player & dun have lights & equalizer, 12hrs playbacktime is pretty realistic. 12hrs playbacktime is very impressive liao. most of those flashmemory players can oni managed 8hrs+ on a AAA batt. and u can choose not to replace the batt after 400charges as oni the batt capacity is reduced to 80%, still can use. or can wait till the batt can oni managed few hrs of playback nia then change. i think if u charge one time a day, the batt will last quite sometime, though after the 1st yr plus batt capacity will be reduced abit. or by the time the batt is wasted there're beta players u can buy, and since shuffle is pretty cheap to buy u wun feel heartpain when u upgrade =)
  18. hi me oso deciding whether to get ipod shuffle... one thing to take note is dat $178 is the 512mb... 1gb costs $268... to me no tuner & no equalizer are a big nono... plus it's using integrated batt... meaning if ur batt is exhausted during the day ur stuck. plus an external AA batt unit is available seperately so gotta fork out $$$ if ur like me, oni charging the batt when it's exhausted. and should the integrated batt should fail in time, gotta send to apple to replace it too. on the plus side, it's tiny & light. and since it lack almost all of the customisable functions, one can expect it to have a gd batt life. and for the price, it's pretty value for money too! but i would want to hear it personally be4 i buy it as i'm those whom wan to feel the bass massaging my eardrums heheheh *iriver rocks!*
  19. haahaa... 2x24w aquaz 20k whites & 2x24w aquaz 24k actinics....
  20. they're aquaz t5s... not too sure how many k asi lz to take out the tubes to c... haahaa will update when i took out everything for cleaning...
  21. juz tried using oni the white tubes in my sh tank for the whole day... to my surprise my black reidi(was once yellow) had slowly but surely changing its shade to yellow! but then my another aussie kuda, black(once orange) had also dropped from its absolute black to a lighter shade of brown... haahaa... cool! any comments anybody? fyi i was using 2whites & 2actinic tubes...
  22. haahaa... pls be mature enough la ... dun like it then dun download it lor... if downloaded liao then pls delete off la... got warning be4 hand liao ma...
  23. haahaa... can afford to reserve all the sh yet no time to go personally pick them up ar? muz give other ppl a chance ma... selfish fug... zZzz
  24. haahaa... cool... me staying in the west wor... any idea which lfs got carry it in?
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