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Everything posted by jonathan543

  1. kowz... some of the paintings darn evil looking sia... cant bare to look too long too... worst got close up pic of the crying baby's eyes... spooky! eeee.... but some of the links dun work...
  2. and juz tested the level of PO4 in the redsea marine salt solution, undetectable level of PO4 too... so guess the uncured liferocks might be the main culprit in the algae & diatom outbreak....
  3. haahaa i muz say rowaphos really works... used 1/4 of the content in a improvised fr & the level of PO4 dropped to almost undetectable levels in juz 2days! tested 3times wit same results using salifert PO4 kit... great product! but on the down note, i have a refugium wit 1 inch of miracle mud growing macro algae, the algae are noteably dying off in great numbers(they used to multiply like crazy)... but there are few strands dat are seemed to be going strong. hope dat they'll revive soon... however in the main tank the xenias are notably more extended & showing signs of pumping, & the faded colours of the zoo colony are slowly coming back too....
  4. ahhh! juz bought a salifert phosphate test kit today & did a check on the tapwater & tank water... boy am i surprised! tapwater- 0ppm, tankwater 1ppm! even after i used double the watersample & reagents for greater sensitivity, as suggested in the user guide, on the tapwater, it was barely detectable, almost having a crystal clear solution! and bought a can of rowaphos too... hopefully can bring down the PO4 level... would be checking the level of PO4 of redsea salt tomorrow...
  5. hi all... me currently having a bad case of diatom & hair algae outbreak... now considering to take out all the liferocks to cure myself as they're covered wit algae! my setup specs- 2x1.5x2ft tank wit a 2x1x1ft refugium filled wit 1inch mud & ceramic rings. 4x 20000k t5 tubes on main tank & 1x 36w pl on refugium. the t5 are on timers for 6hrs a day while the refugium stayed on. currently keeping some seahorses, pipefishes, some nano fishes & 4 cleaner shrimps; mostly soft corals, lps & few frags of sps. the life rocks are uncured when i 1st bought them- algae all over- & using either the redsea or corallife marine salt with untreated tap water. the freshly mixed water were made to stand for a couple of hours be4 changing out the tank water. been doing a 5% water change every week too. wad should i do now? oh and the waterflow rate through the refugium is 2000l/hr, almost 10times the tank's capacity per hr, not much headloss as the pump was pretty high up. water turnover rate is slow @800l/hr using a hangon filter with fritz phosphate resin. been using the fritz for a week liao but no improvements can be seen. fed once a day wit 2cubes of mysis(finished up pretty fast) & aquaz pytho every other day. should i... 1. take out all life rocks and cure them, give a gd scrub & resetting the whole tank again, 2. try to water change using quality marine salt & treated water(advice pls), 3. use more efficient phosphate remover like rowa(?) media or a reactor(recommendations pls), 4. or heck care & live wit having to scrub the glass every otherday since the detritus will settle back on the rocks(slow water flow) & the algae will come back again? for now the corals are in pretty gd health though the algae will cover & outgrow any unhealthy corals. heard using too much phosphate media aren't too gd for sps too... pls advice
  6. hmm believed most prob they are hydroids. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=31593 used to find them in my tank too after using natural seawater for the water changes. kinda interesting to see them swimming around in spurts but they are considered pests in aquariums as the above topic had suggested.
  7. asking for advice from bros here... wad brand of phosphate remover works best & really actually works? saw a bottle of fritz phosphate remover & was considering it as fritz was known as one of the many brands dat works as it claimed. help please!
  8. any bros wanna sell off pls do pm me.... tks for ur interest! =)
  9. hi how much is the 2nd largest frag juz next to the biggest frag? if still available can reserve for me? i live near jjc wor haahaa... hp= 91452560
  10. i 1997 is in class 4i .... repeat in class 4h in 1998... so most prob we might have met be wor... lolx!
  11. i oso from 4h wor!!! but i was a repeat student! wads ur name? now browsing through the 1998 yr bk!
  12. me 1981 de... think grad at 1998.... u?
  13. last time i yuan ching sec one... alot of gangs sia... alot of trademarks for them lor, like sharp comb, center parting, long jpg wallet with a strip of metal along the edge... countless wor! think now the threat of gangs had gone down quite abit liao....
  14. awwww c'mon... i meant the verses were rythmed to the song pretty well ma... entertaining to say the least... not dat it carried a pleasant message through haahaa... well ah bengs all like dat one ma... can remembered once in a disco when certain favourite eurodance tunes comes out, everybody was chanting out the verses in unison to the beat... not gang verses of course, but really enjoyed the atmosphere dat time! nowadays whenever i wan jio my friends go, they'll comment, "eeewwww, dun wan la... lots of ah bengs & small kids go there & chiong one. still listen to ah beng techno ar? now ppl are into retro & trance liao wor... grow up la..." now dats make me sick wor... trying to act grown up & follow wad other mindless ppl follow. remembered again when my friends pulled me into this club claimed to have world class deejays, from the moment i walked in & left the place, nonstop trance was being played... omg! no rythm, no melody, no nothing, infact think it's the same piece being played non-stop... geez... eversince i never go back again... juz my personal pts of view haahaa... *peace*
  15. haahaa... actually i feel the "poems" pretty rythmed & quite nicely done to the music... no i'm not a ah beng nor do i enjoy hearing the poems but i do enjoyed the retro technos, as wad they're called now.... but u muz admit it was kinda interesting haahaa... the background song was "welcome to the future" by exitsway. last time dl quite alot of these, done to the music of "welcome to the future", "mirror mirror", "love is all around", "drive me crazy", etc. too bad cannot upload mp3 or wav files. got a love poem read by a ger in mandrian done to aqua's "candyman" which i find kinda cool....
  16. i was juz using my touch light to inspect the counts of pods & brittle stars in my refugium when i noticed a critter had burrowed a tunnel out juz at the side of the clear glass(i had about an inch thick of mud). wad caught my interest was after a few moments of scraping on a tiny stone with it's longest front legs, it'll fold back juz like a mantis shrimp! plus it oso had swimming legs at the rear dat keep moving in a smooth flowing action juz like a mantis shrimp! omg! it's almost 1cm long, brownish, had a few pairs of shorter legs together with the front foldable legs... looks suspiously like a mantis shrimp wor! i've kept mantis shrimps be4, so basically i noe how the structure of its body... but too bad no dc... but then anybody noes wad other critters looked similar to a mantis shrimp? cannot be isopods... seen on the net be4....
  17. oo... sure dats bristle worms' stings? i kanna almost all the time... once i was stung a whole bunch of tiny spikes on my thumb & 1st finger! after slowly plucking out almost all the spikes out my fingers still hurt quite abit. then upon closer inspection, the underside of a lr had a few bunches of tiny spikes "growing" on it! the spikes are white, almost hair like. and pretty brittle too. ever since i wore rubber gloves whenever i handled lr... bad experience...
  18. aww... cannot upload mp3s & wav files wor... zZ..
  19. last time oso i got quite alot of these ah bengz poems as mp3 from irc... most are crap & dun really rhythm at all. this one is one of the beta ones haahaa! my favourite one is a love poem by a ah lian. she had a sassy voice wor
  20. ah ha! look closely at the 1st pic... u can c it's "WRC" at the rear haahaa... not "WRX". hmm personally i think it looked cool though i'm not a subaru fan... and if evolution8 was to be the new tp ar, it would be so cool! like in taxi3 haahaa....
  21. hmm from the pic i find one thing dat stood out different from the previous tp cars... the wrx uses a red/blue flasher bar instead of the commonly seen single blue strobe flasher on the roofs of the currently tp volvos & bmw! and heard from my friend & once on a newspaper actually the subaru dats was successfully bidded as the new tp car is the wrc. not wrx. can someone enlightened me? i indeed saw a private wrc car on rd once. looks exactly like wrx & heard dat not tuned up dat much & less ex than wrx.
  22. go to reborn aquarium... nearby watercircle. got tigertails & yellow aussie kudas feeding on frozen mysis liao... $15 & $25 respectively.
  23. looking for those normal 2xt8 tubes 2ft lightset. pls quote ur offer via sms@91452560. pls dun pm as i'll be away from home most of the time. tks!
  24. wish i can afford the electricity bill man... or i'll go for the pots liao...my setup costs xtra $30 per month my parents make noise liao wor... sianz
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