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Everything posted by jonathan543

  1. colour comparsion between reborn female kuda on the left & lck110 male kuda on the right
  2. the yellow female reidi from chris low on the left & the male orangish yellow kuda from lck110(sometimes changes to black or red spots). great buy from lck110. fantastic colours compared to reborn's kuda!
  3. 2male reidis, the left from lck110 & the right from chris low. the red reidi looks thin as only recently then he started to feed on frozen. bought on the 14th of feb heheh...
  4. a pair of lck110 reidis in the fore ground & a pair of tigertails at the bottom right
  5. hi guys. taken some pics to share wit sh keepers here. but pic quality no gd koz taken using the 0.5mega pixel camera of my hand phone... cannot afford a digital camera ma;( specs- 10mm 2x1.5x2ft bare bottom tank wit a 2x1x1ft refugium + 1.5ft hangon refugium. lightning- 2x 2ft aquaz t5 6000k, 2x 2ft aquaz t5 actinic / 2x 11w dymax pl for moonlight usage. 36w pl on refugium on 24/7 & 18w pl on hangon refugium on timer wit the t5s. pumps- 1 macro NW 2000l/hr pump for driving the skimmer supp wit a wooden air stone + refugium pump. 1 seio m820 pointing downwards for blowing detritus from bottom of rocks & have abit of circulation. 1 800l/hr pump for the hangon refugium. water is topped up via tubby through a kalk reactor. cooling is done via 7x 12v dc fans on timers. the refugium is connected via a overflow pipe wit half siphon down to the main tank. life stock- sh-a pair of reidis from lck110(reddish orange male & yellow female), a pair of tigertails from reborn & lfs, one pale yellow female kuda from reborn, one orange male kuda from lck110(tks lorenzo bro!), a pair of reidi from chris low(yellow female & orange male). fishes- 1x long nose butterflyfish, 1x green dragonet, 1x purple fire fish, 2x false perculas, 1x apti feeding grass file fish, 1x shrimpfish, 1x janns pipe, 1x orange pipe, 1x bluestrip pipe, 1x skunk shrimp, 2x blood shrimps, 1x brittle star, 1x basket star, 1x jewel star, 2x abalone, + mostly soft corals & 2 red goniporas.
  6. for me, the last time i tested my water using salifert nitrate test was almost to 100ppm.... tried every thing from changing water to adding sugar(tank crashed halfway) then aiya! dump the test kit somewhere elses liao. as long as i change 15% of the water weekly & the ls all looks fine, i freak care liao... haha. and all my ls are healthy & looks fine to me when the nitrate's 100ppm...
  7. i've caught a small one too by accident when i go shrimping... looks like a mixture dark brown crawling pipefish from aussie & alligator pipe(from its snout). very shy, hiding behind corals and had its head extending up much like a garden eel. but not observed feeding yet leh... hopefully it'll feed on the pods in ma hangon ref...
  8. believed they're called yellow canary wrasse(hope i got the spelling rite), quite common in lfs at times
  9. pasir ris too damn far for me wor... me staying in jurong... my eyes not paying attention sia... thought have eagle eyes & red skirts together... but seriously the rock kinda too big for me, if can frag into half a fist size dun mind paying $15 for it! sorry have to withdraw my bid but dun mind buying a few polyps dats dropped out or fragged out instead! really no space liao heheh...
  10. well i think due to most basic anicent animal instincts dats built into our dna, humans tend to be picky with their mate on certain points of their bodies. since the purpose of finding a mate is to produce offsprings, to pass on our genes(go for the best we can find!), men tend to go for bigger bust in women, so that she can provide food for her babies & they wun go hungry. pretty faces & nice bodies so his offsprings would have these features as well. women oso look for strong built in men, so that he was able to defend his family against intrusions & attacks, to provide a home & provide food for his family, nice body features so that her offsprings have these features too. we tend to go for the best in our fantasy world, but in reality we learnt to accept the whole person as wad he is or she is. in a really gd relationship, we would be focusing more on the gd aspects & learning to accept the bad ones, together! coming back to the topic, i think the guy is using some lame excuse, which the ger will never agreed on, to break off this relationship. if not, this guy is seriously in need of councelling! juz smt thing i've read up elses where... but pretty true wor!
  11. can sell me few polyps of the eagle eyes & red skirted ones? if not i bid $35 if can reserve to thur or fri...
  12. had cleared my 3rd reservist today! i was a dog handler during my active & reservist
  13. hi blue heaven... yup 65000k tubes do make most of the red zoos & gonioporas look more brown than red... but wad i really meant is both the white goniopora & xenia turned brown in juz a couple of weeks! they are white for the 1st few days before slowly & surely turning brown completely! ever seen how a blue tip white goniopora turned slowly into a blue tip brown goniopora looks like? hiaz... hearbreaking man... the white used to be so eye catching... now looks like brown xenia at a glance but both healthy lei... juz the colours haiyo... any solutions bro? change to 10000k tubes would rectify the problem?
  14. hi currently using 4x65000k t5 tubes for my 2x1.5x2ft tank. used to have 4x20000k tubes but the corals wasn't opening up nicely. so after changing to 65000k tubes, there was a very pleasant noticable change to my corals. the zoos had opened up & minute colours started to come out and the rest of them had seemed to opened up & grew in size. however, once i bought a pulsating xenia from a fellow reefer, it was white with dark brown polyps. it extended pretty well but as time goes by, it started to turn brown liao. now, it had turned completely brown with the polyps in a darker shade colour! and once bought a blue tip white goniopora & again it turned into a blue tip brown goniopora! so wad happened here? should i change to 10000k tubes instead? but other corals are pretty healthy though my nutrient levels are damn high heheh...
  15. looking for seio m820, pls pm me ur asking prices, & collecting place most preferred in the west, or central... thanks for ur viewing! =)
  16. it's actually a mud substrate for refugium... http://www.ecosystemaquarium.com/ heard even the smallest hangon eco system costs near 1k?! so far using it in my main refugium din notice any significant advantages but the plankton grew like mad.... hahaa.... but prepare for the high cost of purchasing one lor...
  17. any bro & sis have any to let go pls do pm me... looking for ard 5lbs/2.8kg to be used in my hangon refugium... thanks!
  18. as above... pls pm me ur offer... thanks! or trade with kalk reactor wit pump.
  19. hi interseted to sell juz the mud? me looking for ard 10lbs or less... i quote u $30...
  20. hi looking for models of venturi pumps with water inlet that can be connected to a hose like the eheim pumps. the water inlet *must* be able to be connected to a hose as i'll be attaching a surface skimmer to it for my protein skimmer. flowrate between 2000l to 2500l per hr. pls pm me to quote ur asking prices. thanks!
  21. ahhh... pai say.... but then i did remembered reading up somewhere dat the hdd ones offered less than 10hrs of playback... or did i mismatch the infomation haahaa... anyway if oni ips can apply the eq setting from itunes, i'll love it man... but sigh for now gotta crank up the volume more... juz posting my comments for ppl interested in buying ips, kuz i was disappointed eq din apply to ips lor... haiz....
  22. me juz bought a 1Gb ipod shuffle...design wise, i feel it has the slimmest & having the most eye soothing design of mp3players out there. points to note about ipod shuffle if ur deciding on one: * in the 1st place i thought the eq settings would apply to the songs u downloaded to ipod shuffle(ips) juz like full sized ipods... i was wrong! no matter how i tried to preset or tune the eq, songs still sounds the same to me. then i read up due to the differences in the chip between ips & ipod, the eq settings in itunes will not be applied in ips. * i cant say ips sounds aweful, but it's more towards a balanced sound(flat) with pretty clear highs & lean lows... well i'm a iriver user for 2yrs liao on the xtreme bass eq, so i had a hard time adjusting my listening preferences! i keep paying alot of attention to the lack of fullfilling bass of songs instead of enjoying them like be4! zZ * one solution to the lack of full bass is to turn up the volume(it can go pretty loud too!). normally i dun listen to such a high level as on my previous iriver because it's eq settings already made every song its full bodied pressence heard on a low volume liao. * lack of display doesnt pose of a problem to me as i listen more than fiddle with controls. i simply skip the songs till i like wad i hear. but on the other note, if u had added new songs to it, u can oni pray the shuffle mode get to pick them soon hahaa... for 1Gb ips, there's 16hrs of song playback or about 240 songs... get wad i mean? =P * batt life pretty gd, 12hrs is more then enough for a day of hard listening. i charged mine once every 2days. and for the builtin batt issue, should the ips batt worn out liao, there should be better players out in the market by then. u can then use ips as a thumb drive... simple! * slim design wins all hands down. and because it's so slim, i can listen to it secretly slung on my neck during work(i wear a one piece overall) and verdict? i personally go for iriver lor. for the sake of playbacktime & fantastic eq sound. 4got whether iriver has a 24hr or 40hr playback time on a batt liao, but imo dats having the longest battery life on the market using an alkaline batt! and it's the bulkest player too as it's made for the AA sized battery. oo and last note... imho i feel getting hd ipods like kinda out of the point.. why? koz u can cram so many Gb of songs in ipod, BUT u can never get to listen to every single one on its single charge of battery. for example, mine is 1Gb, can already play 16hrs nonstop of music... BUT the batt can at most offers 12hrs of playback time nia... and then the ipods & ipod mini offered a even bigger storage and not even 10hrs of playbacktime nia... see the picture ...
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