we bought and share 8 from another reefer giving up his hobby about 6months ago.
he got 5 bigger ones while i got 3 smaller ones.
since these are tropical sh we feel they dun require chiller, though i'm running a fan to cool off the water to about 29* in the afternoon.
for mine, i got 1 male whom turned brownish orange & 2 females still retained yellow and orange.
after these few days in my refugium, the 5 sh had changed to brownish black yellow and orange with silver linings(3 orange & 2 yellow with red dots).
maybe due to water quality & water temp as my friend is only having a real simple undergravel filter 2ft sh only tank setup.
or is maybe me having 2 55w pl lightings as i'm having a reeftank setup...
hope u can bring them to former glory as when they are first bought, the colours are vivid as h.reidi aka brazilian sh!