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Everything posted by coralreef

  1. This weekend I'm going to transfer my 3 feet to my 5 feet, so my i-box will be taken out for sale....selling at $70....
  2. if i'm not mistaken....that model is only 150w
  3. pardon me..abit off track....so far...I see those I know...all down size.... and 1 or 2 due to overseas work committement... for me, i still waiting for my 5 feet to be ready....
  4. hahaha..that longkang very near to my blk....long time ago...wanted to go and catch..but endup no more...i think AVA or what went to catch it/ destory it......long time ago....
  5. can I reserve it..th special green acro ?? thanks
  6. well..in short...good...and low wattages....pay ard 180...will save eletricity in the long run....cos will be working for yrs...do some calculating...will save some $$$..just that need to pay upfront
  7. If it's the temperature problem. I think there's still a hope for saving the coral reef....if there;s problem in water conditions like the parameters, it's a big big problem to save them. this is what I think, if it's just temp....they can build and block a big area, it can be done, just need funding and i bet that the Aust can do it, it's jus the authority to do it. from there they can try to control the temp. But in such cases, there may not be allow to sell coral at all, totally illegal.
  8. I'm now cycling my 5 feet. used ard 20kg of old LR which I bought 1 mth earlier for my 5 feet. intro 1 piece of prawn. No ammonia but NO2 is high....dropped, and add 20kg of new LR, NO2 shooted again. now dropping. cycling for 2 weeks closing to 3 weeks. I guess, for my case is ok. You might wanna add the prawn, it's the best way to cycle. Do take care of the ph.. I tested on the 2nd week, my ph very very low..
  9. did you add an air pump to pump the air into the powerhead?
  10. too many liao...at least 30 of them
  11. recently have an overgrowth of nudibranch......what can be done....without taking the coral out of the tank...
  12. got old and new version????
  13. more like the slim you talking abt...it's ok...all acro slim
  14. I'm not too sure about overload....I using 3 extension....with my TV,sound system,PC, PC speaker system, 1 X 250W, 3 pumps, T5 lighting, fans...etc....so far still not on fire...haha
  15. lvcap..since i'm going ur house this sunday...i'll take 1 of them...
  16. anyone been to SL...anything nice down there???? got LR?
  17. erm...biostar is the filter....I need is the protein skimmer.... let say...getting overseas....which website is has the product online and shipping to here...
  18. looking for one....wonder who's selling them...
  19. what is the price you paid?...care to PM me?>
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