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About coralreef

  • Birthday 08/24/1978

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  1. I'm on reservist too....but i know...it wont happen....cos i know why...but i cant tell...
  2. Terryz..you just walk in to AH to make appt or what?? i also wanted to extract my wisdom tooth off...sure use medisave 1 loh...so ex...lol
  3. Just start the ball rolling mah....you know i dun go for LPS..haha
  4. Wow...hahahaha Ups Ups....dunno what i can get from you..haha
  5. I personnally felt that, when a reefer comes to forum, learnt and shared knowledge. But there's a time where due to work committment, family matters (be it new wife(haha) new gf, new born babies) etc. Maybe due to the above or some other committment which a reefer does not have the time to come to forums. And could due to it's time to move on, gain enough basic knowledge for a basic tank, happy with the current tank and have not gone to the next stage for more difficult corals/fish. Cheers
  6. 1. 3-3.5" Purple Tang $30 2. 3-3.5" Sailfin Tang $15 Zebrasoma veliferum 3. 4" Koran Angel $15 4. 3.5" Majestic Angel $40 All fishes are healthy. Collection West Area
  7. Mysis has more nutrition than brine shrimp...and brine shrimp is more like tibits for fishing.
  8. Used to topup 8L a day After using chiller...around 2L a day at most...
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