The more you share the more flaws it shows. Just by this statement "If my coral really got red bug or aefw I already got blacklisted dudes" shows you already got aefw or red bugs ie to say you may know you got aefw and red bugs but chose to ignore or take it with a pinch of salt, and in this case choose not to report. reason is because if you do not know you got aefw, how the hell you come up with a blacklist? *question marks overhead*
I do not want to divulge names because these guys told me not to. Sorry, some people even kanna shit also like to stay low.
To me, there is still room and chance for you to back off and say "Sorry I did not realise that there is such an issue with my tank. I will look into it" rather than defending it all the way out for your 'face' sake. If face matters so much to you, why bother reef? Go daiso, buy a $2 mirror and stare at it all day.. who knows maybe you will find some inspirations for the next 10 million toto money..