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Everything posted by MarcoVan

  1. UPz for you bro! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  2. how did you like the skimmer? (: Nice to see you back! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  3. Do a review soon k bro on this gem! Lovely toy! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  4. I will pray for you too bro! Nice meeting you at CF! lol. And thanks for teaching me to sex angels! whaha, shall try it next time with argis and flamebacks! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  5. :eyebrow: Lucky my saliva wasnt part of the pics! HAHA! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  6. where's this hor fun? I like the roasted meat stall behind in the hawker center and the chicken rice there regardless drumstick or what is $3! damn nice! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  7. CF rics, There are yellow, orange, blue, green and multi colours. Prices range from 2.5 red note to 1 blue note (: All prices for rics are charged per mouth. Happy Reefing, Marc J. P.S: DAMNIT! Should have gone LCK! The fishes look damn good :D
  8. ROFL! WHAHAHA! Idea leh bro! Let me try and let you know! If can, FOC for you! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  9. This guy doesnt post much for his tank. So sad. Otherwise how nice for you to learn from his experience Nice valley Lemon! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  10. WOAH! SO OLD! Lol Yeah, the $10000 notes felt nice! So sad had to return to bank :S Woah, kitzo's rics steady sia! Nice colours! Happy Reefing. Marc J.
  11. SUPER RARE! hahaha I think only TYCOOONAUTS got chance to see and own them! lol! Rics! Rics! Crazy rics! haha Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  12. still short of one more colour code! the one "ONE" and 4 "ZEROS!" So far, I've only come across 4 of them together in my hands once! that was like last year's CNY! ahaha Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  13. Zoas okay only lah. In my standard :X haha Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  14. AIYA, you xin jiu hao luh. I macham totally no heart to change water sometimes. Rather let my bacteria to work their asses off! hahaha Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  15. every 3 days?! OMG! You're DA Man! :D I'm too old for this kind of things! hahaha Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  16. Growth is dependent on several factors which lighting is one of them. Water quality on the other hand is also quite important. In fact, it's the most important! IMO, if you can keep the water clear and nutrient free, you do not necessary keep those not-light-demanding spses such as monti on the surface. They can be placed somewhat near the mid section of the tank to provide another dimension to your tank because the light penetration can go deeper and further even with a 150W mh. There's this RC tank of the month 2 months ago (if I am not wrong) which was running on 150w mh supplementing with T5s and his SPSes are BOOMZ! Also, there's this reefer in RC called Robertus whose old tank used to be running on several 150w MHs. His tank was BOOMZ too! :D So yeap (: 150 or 250W, also look into your pocket and your long term commitment into this hobby before deciding. Electricity bills can be a killer when running on MHs. Just my 2 cents. Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  17. Bro, try not to go too low for your nitrates eh! You are keeping a LPS/Softies tank so they kinda need some amount of nutrients as food. If you cannot providde that, expect your lps/softies to bleach when you forget to target feed them or something. I see this happening in SPS tanks which are running on carbon-based dosing. Most guys managed to pull the nitrates and phosphates down to minimal and guess what, their LPSes cannot thrive well inside; so do the zoas. So try to aim for the balance and not the ultimate extreme k! Unless your plans are going towards SPS, I suggest you to be conservative on the dosing of such products. no doubt they are efficient, but what is our ultimate goal we want to achieve for our tanks currently is top most issue (: Just my 2 cents Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  18. Don't need lah bro. NTUC or Sheng Siong or local convenient stores have nori already lah. Those yellow packaging with the word Pasar Malam on it! Nori is actually seaweed. Just some jargon that sounds fanciful. Simple staple ingredient for our soup! And dont worry no additional "extra" stuff inside. Can add or feed like our fishes like that (: Best part about it - IT'S DIRT CHEAP! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  19. Sorry to rub it in but your spses are dead :X Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  20. Don't worry, he has the Midas now! One touch, lousy also becomes GEM! :D Happy Reefing, Marc J.
  21. Gogogo Canon 500D! Happy Reefing, Marc J.
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