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Everything posted by MarcoVan

  1. Ok. Anyway maintain your ice probe regularly. the heatsink tends to oxidize after a while and the probe does crack. At least that was what happened to mine last time otherwise perfect toy for nano. Used it with a 150w mh. no problem (:
  2. You did carbon dosing?
  3. mix abit of grade 3. grade 1 will still stir.
  4. I realise too little live rocks need to be compensated with a deeper sandbed else it's tough to get the cycle running.
  5. Vinegar is better to use with kalk. Maintain ph and calcium with kalk and carbon dose through vinegar. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
  6. I'll go do polyplab when my tank has stablised. It's carbon dosing and don't expect a bang on a new tank. Given a choice, I'll only use the bacteria source as seeding, minimal food source, leave tank to complete cycle, stabilise, softies growing, sps growing healthily with purple rocks then carbon dose. Control of nutrients be done through water changes, carbon and gfo in the meantime. Else you might get a wreck ahead.
  7. From what I read on fauna marin corporate site, seems to be the same as grotech abcm. I won't add two of the same stuff. Overdosage can kill bro. If you want tokkong stuff, get zeovit bottles. More potent imo and last you longer.
  8. Bro you might want to hold this purchase because you have grotech abcm. I believe that serves the same function. If so, why need 2 food sources? very dangerous leh. cyano anytime can boom...
  9. No need verify. just put it up. if he wants to say otherwise would have long come out and say already..
  10. I use fish poo haha. if not fish food pounded to its finest then sprinkle into tank.
  11. Cool. just what I need to fight apitasia. Thank you for the heads up.
  12. Parking is PITA there. our gd friends always come very fast there.
  13. Climate. too hot their fur will drop. Last I checked with a pet shop importing chinchillas, they need an air con room and they are nocturnal animals I think. Anyway bro, how old your daughter? Rabbits need alot of attention. If don't talk to them or play with them etc, they will turn destructive. Also, they are a 8 years commitment. Not being a wet blanket, just letting you know what you getting into.
  14. Dont think chinchillas are adapted to our weather. Rabbits are better because generally they are smart, likes a clean place to play so they will poop and pee at one spot and play and sleep at another area. However its better to keep 2 rabbits together and not one alone.
  15. not me. my gf is keeping one netherland dwarf and one lion head. I'm sorry I cannot advise you on which type of feed is better. Generally my gf gives them a mix of vege, hay, pellets and once a while herbs lol.
  16. I believe its newjet (correct me if im wrong). can find them at polyart clementi.
  17. water pressure. you dont want seawater flooding in house. very not good
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