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Everything posted by kokhui

  1. Hi bros, I founf something that looks like a coco worm underneath the "skirt" of my green prata. I am wondering that if the coco worm grows bigger, will it affect the prata? Please advice.
  2. Thanks bro Nick and sis Lin for sharing. This is really good!
  3. Hi Jakalcleo, I am also using sa2012 and I do get the green watery skimmate too. The green is due to me feeding Aquapharm 5in1 coral food. I am using a 2900 l/h pump to drive it. I have a feeling that it is normal for this skimmer to hace watery skimmate. For the water level, I adjust to just about 1.5 inches above the water mark on the skimmer for easier cleaning. BTW, this is a low end product for newbies like me so I guess justy make do with it I think.
  4. Thanks all bros and sis for your input, appreciate this. Before my clown decided to partner my Alveopora, it was partnering my bubble and then my green prata. I did notice when it first partner the bubble, it always fetches the pellets that I dropped in the tank and drops it to the bubble. The buuble has since grown bigger. Then when it decide to hoover around the prata next, it steals the food that I drop to the prata from the prata's "mouth". However I think there is still enough food and the prata is also growing biiger now. I think I may want to see how it is partnering the Alveopora now that I had read all the bros comments. I will keep you updated if any.
  5. Hi bros, Uhm, I saw the article on Strates Times and I was one of the guys that bought such a system. I bought it in Nov 05. You can see my tank threads in member stanks and specs. I bought the tank initially brfore knowing much about marine husbandry and was initially attracted by claim that they are wasy to maintain and "No need to change water"! I had been in this hobby since Nov and have since learnt much more after joining SRC. After I came to know SRC then I realised that I may have bought a wrong tank! I keep LPS and softies and few fishes and I feed very light for my fish and I do not encounter much problems with the tank yet. However, I had since removed the bioballs and part of the bio-rings and converted one of the chamber into a refugium. I am also still using my Weipro 2013 skimmer. As for water changing, I have only changed about 10% once since my first startupn Nov and the water is still very clear. Not sure what you think?
  6. Hi bros, My yellow strip maroon clown has recently decided to stay on my jewel stone. This causes the jewel stone to retrack and not come out so much. I tried chasing my clown away but it just seems to like to clown around the jewel! What to do??
  7. Hi Yiling, Very nice lights that you got! So envious. So you be switching on both MH & T5 at the same time during the photoperiod or you have got some variations?
  8. Not easy bros, To get even into the lift to his house, you must get him to open the gate for you by calling him outside the gate! High security area!
  9. Hi RAV, Nice pics and rescape setup process, I love it! but somehow I still miss your old BOTTOM!
  10. Upzz for you Nickel. Hope that you will get a job soon! God Bless you!
  11. My Resun work well for me too! Upzz for the sale!
  12. Yes, complete set, with the sponge but thrown the box away already. Dimemsion, not sure must go home and measure later. small footprint .
  13. I am selling both for a total of only 60 Still in very good condition! Cheers
  14. Selling Weipro 2012 with weipro 4000 pump (flowrate 2700l/h). Pm me if interested. Cheers.
  15. Hi bro, Nice to see you have upgraded to a new tank! So envious. Keep the updates coming!
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