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Everything posted by kokhui
I recomend AquaC Remora
White speck on blueface Angel
kokhui replied to dfstan's topic in Disease treatment/parasite/pest control
Bro, My swallowtail angel also got this condition that you mentioned for several weeks already. However, as I saw that it was eating as per normal, I did not try to catch it or treat it in any way. Anyway, I changed the water a few days ago and now I do noticed that the white specks have reduced greatly. Now only left a little bit and I think it will recover soon. Hope this helps. -
Best method to get tangs feeding?
kokhui replied to akahoshi's topic in New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby
Maybe after they started to eat, you can gradually introduce the pellets/brinr shrimps soaked in garlic to encourage them to eat them too. After no more red bamboo to eat sure got to eat the pellets loh. My purple tang satred eating only the nori I gave it but after a few days it got to eat the pelllets too -
Babies are cute but I think I prefer mine to row up faster!
I am not too sure about the Red sea one as I do not have one but my Pacific one was feeding just 1 days after introducing into my tank! It grows quite fast too.
Best method to get tangs feeding?
kokhui replied to akahoshi's topic in New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby
I agree with Travy. That is what I did for my purple tang. I first made sure that it is already feeding in the LFS before I bought it. Do not be shy to ask the LFS owner to prove to you that the fish is feeding before you buy it When I got it home, after aclimatizing, (did not qurantine it as no QT) I tried to give it some dreid seaweed and it started feeding only after 2 days! At first got bullied by the yellow cousin in the tank but and kept hiding. After 2 days, guess it is hungry and started to feed on the seaweed. And after 4 days, now feeding on pellets. -
Yah Nitro, your sump is very nice! So colorful also.
Any bros here have any success stories with butterfly fish to share? I saw some really pretty Golden butterfly at Reborn last week. Really tempted to buy but then wanted to find out more first before plunging into butterfly fish.
Bro Travy, I really like your rockscape. Reminds me of some cliff structures in Phuket! Very nice. Good job.
Hi bro teolt, Check out madmac's tank thread. He is using canisters filtration and he is doing great! He should be able to advise you more! Cheers.
Last year I went to somewhere along ECP at a glass field in Marina South to see the foreworks with my family. Many people are there also. The whole of ECP went on a standstill during that time. Very good view. Some mosquitos though.
Are those tickets gotten free in the first place?
Is it illiegal to sell the tickets?
I second this. If ever I were to get another skimmer to run in series with my remora, these will be the ones.
Well thought of bro, even when you have such a big tank and yet there are still space constraint. BTW, looking good.
Very nice placement of your tank. I like the idea that you can see from both sides! You got different views, front and back. I wouldn't mind cleaning the extra panel of glass!
Hi bro, how did you manage to mount the lights and get the stands?
Hi Bro Earth, Do not be disheartened that you had paid too much for a system that may prove not too useful for what is good on current reefing standards. IMO, since you have already paid for it, make the most out of it until you really cannot tahan any longer( the urge to upgrade!) When I got my system, I did not research also and ended up with a system that initaill I felt was really sub-standard. This being even so when I found SRC and saw everybody's else's setup to be so different and so high-tech from mine I went through a stage where I was even thinking of throwing away the current setup and start afresh or even doing major modification like adding a external sump or channeling to and external skimmer etc etc.......... However, $$ did not allow and still now I am with the current setup which I have experiment several slight modifications. Recently I have converted to FOWLR from LPS reef tank due to some other reasons. I think I am ok with the setup that I thought was real lousy then! Bro Earth, no problem, IMO, I think you can still have a good FOWLR setup. Follow some of the experienced bros advise and you will still get there! Doesn't matter whether you get to Orchard Road in a Porche or a Kia, if you follow the right directions, you will still get there! Cheers!
I use Seachem also, very good IMO and cheap too, got mine for $8.80 per bottle and can use for months. Once opened, better store the bottle in the fridge. This is what I do: What I do is put some pellets in a small contiainer, pour some of the garlic guard into the container, enough to soak the pellets. Left it there for several minutes for the pellets to soak up the solution and then feed the pellets to your fish by scooping out the pellets from the small container. Discard the remaining garlic guard from the small container once all the pellets were fed. My fish (Angels and tangs) love them!
Nice job bro, keep the updates coming!
My golden maroon eats the garlic guard soaked pellets that I feed my fish daily.
bro, can you elaborate more on your question, don't quite get you. Thanks.
Genesis 1:24 And God said. "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestocks, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals. each according to its kind." Genesis 1:26 Then God saild, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creaures that move along the ground." God created man on the sixth day and yes God created all creatures on earth.