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Everything posted by kokhui

  1. Strangely, I noticed my clown fish also has the white pimple like thing on its mouth. It seems still very happy and feeding well. Several weeks already, I am afraid if I stress it by catching it out, things may go worse.
  2. bro muar chee, how come you always can share such interestng stuff to us? You work in the internet line?
  3. No such fish in there, however I did some reconfiguration to the IOS sump some days back and there had caused some turbulance in the main tank for a while. Not sure if this had stressed it?
  4. Thanks Goudian, I will try out and let you know the results. Cheers.
  5. Hi, Today my toddler girl ran to me and told me that the fire goby had jumped out of the tank. I really discovered the fish on the floor, mananged to get it back into the tank, it swam away but went to the rocks, not sure if it will die. Do you think it can make it? I think this not pnly happens to me, I had read some reefers having such happennings too! Why do fish do that?
  6. Bro scarab, so you have 2 return into your tank right?
  7. Hi, I am trying out to use the return pump (Approx 3000l/h) to my resun cl650 and then back to the main tank (4ft X 1.5ftX1.5ft). Is this config ok? With this config, the return flow rate is significantly reduced. Can anyone suggest a small enough reurn pump to increase the return flow but yet not reduce the effectiveness of the chiller?
  8. Hi Bro Vinceire, Thanks for sharing. It is very inspiring to see your setup. Very well thought plans and execution. I really enjoy reading your setup process. Keep them coming! Cheers.
  9. Hi, I deiscovered one frags of my Yuma detached itself from the LR which houses others. Can it survive without the LR? Could high flow have caused it to be detached? Thanks.
  10. Hi prec, Nice tank. Can show some pics of the side view? I think some of your rock are touching the side glass, that may result in problem when you clean you glass later. Also, can try to catch the crabs at this stage when you do not have any shrimps or fish Cheers.
  11. Thanks Nick, Really appreciate your advice! Cheers.
  12. Hi sunny, can you elaborate a bit more? thanks.
  13. Hi Thanks Kareen & Nicholas for your comments and advice. The intended refugium in my design is about 12"(L) X 5" (W) X12"(H). Nick, it is right that using the chiller return will reduce the chiller efficiency, I think using the skimmer return seems like a better choice! Kareen, I do not intend to keep too many fis and what you see in my tank thread now is what I have and at most just a few more small ones if I intend to get later on. I did think about connecting the IOS to a sump and plca it below the compartment below the tank but it seems too much work and not cost effective therefore I thought that the way that Nick had done seems feasible. Still in the thinking stage. Nick, can I just put some small LSs and the caulerpa and skip the mud and sand for the refugium? If I were to do it, I will carefully remove the bio balls and clean up the IOS before proceeding. It should not stire up anything in the tank as the compartments are separated. Getting a i-refuge may costs more as not sure of its price Do you guys think it is feasible?
  14. Sorry mods, please remove my previous picture, forgot to resize. Please see below for the modified design for my IOS incorporating a refugium and removing the bio balls. Please comment as I truely value and need them.
  15. Hi bros, I ned your valuable advice on my intention to modify my IOS. Please see attached for the current IOS schematic. I am now having the bio balls which many shared had issues with being a nitrate factory. I therefore intent to modify it to remove the bio balls and cater a refugium as inspired by bro Nick's IOS nano!
  16. May I know where is the collection location?
  17. Very nice setup photos seamonkee, are you going to have some African fishes in your tank to go with your house deco?
  18. Sounds quite romantic isn't it? Don't believe ask the girls lah!
  19. Thanks sis Kareen, had checked on the internet, just wanted to double comfirm if anyone had some personal experience with with particular model to share. Cheers.
  20. Wow collect sand, sound familiar, like in some movies huh? I think the girls will like you!
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