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Everything posted by jasonpoh

  1. possibly last many many years....1.8kg most kalk come in 200g collect ubi
  2. looking for 2ft led. not more than 60w, and less than 50% blue leds. gonna use for planted tank
  3. going for $25 only. Made in USA. 91814744 http://www.affordableaquatic.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=219
  4. live sand foc...first come first serve... big ones...aprrox 2cm to 10cm...good for fragging also collect ubi ave 1 91814744 sms only
  5. fishes swim more naturally like in the sea with swaying waves
  6. ecotech mp10w wavemaker for sale at $250. original box available. bought at $398. 91814744 sms only. seldom check my posts.
  7. 1 tank full of mature live rocks for sale. Remove from 2ft x 2ft tank. More than enough for new set up. $25 take all. 91814744
  8. Pls sms me yr brand, model, price, condition and age of set
  9. they can hop from fish to fish. fresh water dip will make them detach from fish.
  10. why not....its legal even to eat them
  11. the only snails found on our shores that are suitable for tanks are cowries,some limpets....the best one is Nerita polita not only they stay under water, doesn't knock off rocks like turban snails, pretty shells(probably no 2 shells are the same), easy to collect, its free and abundant. https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=Nerita+polita&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=yqp&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=j399UIHOHMPHrQfkooCgAw&ved=0CCAQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=414
  12. feed it regularly....looks like 90% sure survive
  13. Confirm its a plate. Pass to me if u don't to nurse it...hehe
  14. fully agree....very wrong live stock combination.... can i volunteer to adopt the long nose file fish and pipe fish, before they starve, weaken and get eaten by serpent star...hehe
  15. I use wire cutter..sometimes big nail cliper. ..sometime saw blade...just rinse n lubricated after use
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