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Everything posted by jasonpoh

  1. They are very sensitive towards ph swing...seen some LFS with 70% casualty after unpacking from boxes. I lost my last 2 when I was careless with kalk dosing.
  2. ha...u recognise your clove coral...anymore good stuff to give away..i'll bring coke.
  3. got sell 2" frag ?? my tank is a nano..ha
  4. from my planted refugium...something the the video shown..
  5. tiny yellow hitch hiker found on blue sympodium...too small to know what it is..but he eats frozen brine shrimp.
  6. any1 familar with blue sympodium? slow opening up after fresh water dip..
  7. i dunno ...i guess heavy feeding and lots of zooplanktons?..only 1 tub of macro algae...no skimmer or mechanical filter or chemical filter..... sps can't color up nicely in my tank...
  8. 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns, 5 damsels..2 ft tank can't have big fish....never measure po4 becos no hair algae
  9. 8 fishes, 2 boxer shrimp, 1 reef lobster, 1 cucumbenor, no more space to buy anymore
  10. assorted stuff, like silver fish, frozen brimp/mysis, sometimes sinking pellets
  11. an unfortunate accident burnt the coral...left it in the tank and 30 over babies popped out after 2 months
  12. from ryanlio...excesss from his rescaping...
  13. now ..the big ones are about dia 12mm...slower than i expected
  14. 3mm dia size poylp ...back in jan... was in excahnge for 2 bottles if coke...can't rem the owner's name..was somewhere in seng kang
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