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Everything posted by jasonpoh

  1. no sps...sps cannot take the temp...likely to turn brown very soon
  2. List: 1. Oceandeep - clam (4 pcs), prata, brain 2. Spaceman - mushrooms, f ric, yuma, leather, hammer, clove, zoos, aveoplora, stars 3.jasonpoh..lots of mushroom,yuma, buttons, few leather, 1 big squamosa, 2 open brain , 1 brain, 1 hammer, 1 bubble, 2glove,2 plates, 1 elephant ear.....normal temp 29. 4. 5.
  3. very nice! bright turquoise color
  4. any1 knows how to keep glove corals? bought a few recently...cos never try b4...
  5. change lots of water...when nitrates n phoshate level drops...hair algae will die within 1-2 days
  6. i only have one..i have seen some1 with 5! trading with blue or red mushies.
  7. a real beauty..too bad it bites on my clam n buttons.. in my tank for a month leow.
  8. pakistani butterfly 3" for trade of coral frags..blue/red/strip mushroom, clams, or anything else.... pls note this fish is not reef safe...very magnificent when grows to 5", every scale is so beautiful
  9. Traveller's Tips Bringing Ornamental Fish into Singapore Annex A Types of Ornamental Fish Country from which the product may be imported Personal Allowance (Maximum amount which may be imported without a licence from AVA) CITES Species (Require CITES import & export permits) Asian Arowana (Dragon fish) Any country One fish in not more than 3 litres of packing water per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 2 pieces in not more than 6 litres of water per car (2 or more persons in the car) Hard/CITES corals/Calcareous algae rocks (larger than palm-size) Any country 5 pieces per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 10 pieces per car (2 or more persons in the car). Seahorse Any country 5 pieces per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 10 pieces per car (2 or more persons in the car). Giant clams Any country 5 pieces per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 10 pieces per car (2 or more persons in the car). Non-CITES Species Fish Any country 30 pieces packed in not more than 3 litres of water per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 60 pieces in not more than 6 litres of water per car (2 or more persons in the car) Marine invertebrates (Non-swimming, e.g. soft corals, soft corals or other invertebrates on rocks, not larger than palm-size) Any country 5 pieces of not more than 5kg in total weight per pax per trip, subject to a maximum of 10 pieces and total weight not more than 10kg per car (2 or more persons in the car) Note: A traveller who imports a combination of the above must not exceed 5kg in total weight and must be within a traveller’s limit for the various items. Not sure? Seek advice The guidelines above apply to species allowed for importation under Singapore legislations. If you are not sure if the species you will be bringing is allowed or require CITES permits, it is always advisable to clarify with the AVA before importation. When in doubt, it is advisable to declare your items to the ICA officers. Travellers can contact AVA for further information: Tel: (65) 6751 9804 Fax: (65) 6759 5043 Email: AVA_Email@ava.gov.sg
  10. 100gm of mysis from the market cost $1...the mass is about 3 times of those we buy from 1 pack from lfs....no water added.. those days we can even get mysis shrimps still breathing from wet markets
  11. will it change to adult colors when mature in captivity? any1 got experience?
  12. thats a normal bubble tip anemone... i thought normaly for $5???
  13. huh....i don;t intend to sell...cos my frags r about 3 cm tall... sticking on oyster shell...too cheap lar...brown color. thought of just trading with other small frags if location is near.
  14. i've got hundreds or thousands of briitle stars on my sand n LR.. but lazy to catch lar...small ones may be 1cm across...bigger ones r bout 4cm..
  15. i have a sea serpent...about 10 inches across...u interested? $5
  16. gonna make pumping xenia frags...any1 wanna trade? pls indicate what frags u got.... preferably...east area...thks
  17. gonna make some frags of pumping xenia on oyster shells....any1 wanna exchange?
  18. do u want a cutting of pumping xenia?
  19. any1 wanna buy 10 dottybacks? i can sell for $5 each and still make a profit..hehe...joking.. anyway...my cheapest source of LS used to come from an old man selling at joo chiat area...but he retired this yr..i used to pay $2 for a boxer shrimps..hehe
  20. sorry...don't mean to spoil this. but i think that's a $5-6 dotty back the mandrin cost approx $6-7 ...defintely not more than $10. u must have confused with the pricing
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