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Everything posted by netviper

  1. Update!! Left 1 last frag of blue polyps acropora for sale @ $20 and sunset millepora frag @ $20!! Take both @ $35!! Latest photo of the blue polyps acro frag as shown below: Side view Top view PM me if you are interested :)
  2. Update!! Left 1 last frag for sale @ $40!!! Latest photo shown below: Side view Top view PM me if interested :)
  3. Very good price for the zoas!!! Have them liao else will grab it manz!!!
  4. Update!! Blue polyps acro frag A, B, C & D reserved for collection!!
  5. Snds like a big project! Continue camping here!
  6. Bro, you only switch on the skimmer when the lights are on? So the skimmer will be totally switch off during lights off period?
  7. Haha! Thx bro! Nice to know u, next time can chiong lfs together
  8. Last 2nd photo, left colony is called abrotanoides. Ppl called it kit kat coz ez to brown out. U need to put it on high lights n high flow.
  9. Center frag sold! A bro took a smaller frag from the left-most one (i glued 2 small frags together on plug), so i have a small frag which is selling @ $20. Also, right-most frag is still avail! Upz!
  10. Try to use distilled water. Tap water is usually the cause of high PO4 which in term cause algae bloom.
  11. Honkit, how does it fare as compared to salifert aminoacids?
  12. U need to test ya parameters n make sure its at good levels. Else just go for lps 1st which is more forgiving.
  13. Think it got bleached, maybe u want to lower it down from getting too much light.
  14. Full SPS-dominated tank pls!!!! WB to reefing!!
  15. Hi All, Trimming some of my sps and have some frags for sale (WYSIWYG). Blue polyps acropora frags (Price difference based on size and multiple branches) Fragged from my blue polyps acropora mother colony Sunset mille frag Purple-blue tips with green polyps acropora frag All prices are stated in the photos. Collection at Bt Panjang (Weekdays after 8pm, weekends can be arranged). Do PM me if you are interested
  16. U can get turbo snails or sea hare for algae control, doesn't need to be hermit. I dun find blue tang good in clearing algae, I prefer yellow tang instead.
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