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Everything posted by Joe_P

  1. Well... Got dr_evils 8 x T5s for my reef.... My life does seem much brighter now....
  2. Well... 5800 watts of MH lightings, 2 x 1 3/4 HP chillers and 2 large return pumps ...... guess how much that's gonna cost here.... hehe... And a reef this huge would most probably cause most reefers here to spend more time staring at the floor than the reef wonderin when it will start to give way.. And you are absolutely right ... it's a dream tank.... something that most of us here would only see.... in our dreams...
  3. Are the signals any good in cleaning up your sandbed?? if it does, maybe might a pair for my reef...
  4. try a search on Oxymetopon... some kind of ribbon goby...
  5. I got my 8 x T5s as close as 2 inches from water surface.... seeing colours on my SPS now.....
  6. Do you have any concrete evidence that this happens?? I have done tests on 2nd chambers previously and have found that 1.5 kg of media in 2nd chambers gives a increase in 50ppm and 4 dkH in the effluent after in passes through 2nd chambers.... of course, taking in consideration of design and pH level of the effluent from main CR outlet.....
  7. I have some here... small ones... you can have a look once I get my coralife bucket back.....
  8. Moron, Your reef looks pretty empty.... so when are you gonna flood it up with more colourful stuff??
  9. Hi Guys, Got one of each for sale... MD 40 at $125 and MD 55 at $150. Brand new and still in original packaging... Please PM me or contact me at 94896450. Also 5 extra beckett nozzles for sale. Selling at $45 each.
  10. Sally Lightfoots (lots of them) spotted at Reborn...
  11. Hi Guys, I have 15 frags on plugs to release... Will turn pink under strong lightings. Specimens are 3rd generations onwards (would be good for those interested to venture into SPS) Pricing would be from $5 to $15 depending on frag sizing... Pls PM me if you guys are keen.....
  12. Yes.... and some crazy moves made....
  13. Thats good news... So do I get the opportunity to see some cool DB acro frags in a 2 footer.... Anyway, jus for the update.... my reef crashed jus few weeks ago ... only managed to save a percentage of SPS and transferred them to my holding reef.... I'm fortunate though that the stuff that remains are some of my hardiest and better coloured ones.... And it would help if "some" reefers who assist in the populating of my reef ....
  14. DB, Excllent reef and growth you have there.... Looks like a good place to go hunting for frags.... Would be a pity if you ever downgrade....
  15. You can get adaptors (available from most hardware stores) . Jus explain to the store owner that you have obtained equipment from abroad and needed a adaptor so you could use it locally...
  16. 1) ATI twin fix retrofit... (2 ft) comes with 1 AquzBlue Pro and one Aqualight 10kk... Sellin at $150 (Reserved) 2) 2 x RM secondary chamber (for Calcium Reactors) $150 each. 3) 2 inch Blue Crocea $ 25 4) A small LR of Blue mushrooms $ 12 (Reserved) 5) One frag of purple rodactis mushroom (attached to small liverock) $ 5 (Reserved) 6) 2 frags of tri-coloured rodactis mushrooms (attached to small liverock) $ 25 7) Small blood red anemone (Unable to ID) $ 25
  17. Yup..... 1) ATI twin fix retrofit... (2 ft) comes with 1 AquzBlue Pro and one Aqualight 10kk... Sellin at $150 2) 2 x RM secondary chamber (for Calcium Reactors) $150 each. 3) 2 inch Blue Crocea $ 25 4) A small LR of Blue mushrooms $ 12 (Reserved) 5) One frag of purple rodactis mushroom (attached to small liverock) $ 5 (Reserved) 6) 2 frags of tri-coloured rodactis mushrooms (attached to small liverock) $ 25 7) Small blood red anemone (Unable to ID) $ 25
  18. Hi Guys.. I have the following to remove.. 1) ATI twin fix retrofit... comes with 1 AquzBlue Pro and one Aqualight 10kk... Sellin at $150 2) 2 x RM secondary chamber (for Calcium Reactors) $150 each. 3) 2 inch Blue Crocea $ 25 4) A small LR of Blue mushrooms $ 12 5) One frag of purple rodactis mushroom (attached to small liverock) $ 5 6) 2 frags of tri-coloured rodactis mushrooms (attached to small liverock) $ 25 7) Small blood red anemone (Unable to ID) $ 25 And thinking of selling of trading a MD 55 with a MD 40 plus some cash topup.... Pls PM me or contact me at 94896450....
  19. There is a higher chance of recovery for bleached acros compared to those with RTN.... A RTN acro dosen't need zoos.... they need reefers with CFD (Complusive Fragging Disorder).. Like the idea regarding introducing of zoos to bleached SPS... Jus like those aquacultured clams .... If this thing works, I"ll chase the zoos out of my brown acros......
  20. The first unit GAC add on for the FR standard is already with a reefer .... Maybe he can take a shot of the unit and post some pics here...
  21. I'm using the 20kk Aquaz bulbs for my SPS reef.. 8 pieces altogether. From the way I see it, those bulbs look so much whiter than standard 20kk bulbs... One thing though is that purples and pinks seems to register strongly with these bulbs....
  22. Not yet.... Ths specimens in my reef are beginning to response with some cool colours under the current aquaz T5 bulbs.... Gonna give it a few more weeks
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