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Everything posted by Joe_P

  1. Hi HellBliss, What's the proportion of each item utilised in regards to vsv that you are using? VSV = Volka / Sugar / Vinegar Hi Gouldian, Any Infor on Microbe-Lift Special Blend? I would assume it to be a combo of different strains of bacteria? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the infor. anyone else into volka/MB7 dosing to achieve ULNS ?
  3. Hi Bro norman19, I am not into volka and MB7 as of yet. Am planning to. Anyway, any idea which LFS carries brightwell products?
  4. Hey bro, Many thanks. awaiting your updates. BTW, anyone here also tryin out Brightswell MB7 with volka? Heard pretty good reviews from RC regardin the MB7.
  5. Hi guys, Anyone here into Volka dosing for their sps systems? I'm currently running GFO for my system and am keen to move into volka to attain a ULNS for my SPS setup. So feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. All sold. Thread considered closed.
  7. Hippocampus barbouri and kuda spotted at I-aquarium.
  8. Some more frags available Blastomussa Merleti (red polyped type) frags from 15 to 25 sgd ( 6 frags available) left 5 frags Green base Pink polyped Montipora @ 45 sgd ( 1.5 inch sizing) Dragon-eye zoas (app. 20 polyps) on miniature LR (fiji shipment) @ 55 sgd Sold Please PM to make arrangement for viewing.
  9. Hi Bro, Am trying to get some pictures. The blasto merleti looks like miniature blastos wellsi but comes on stalks. Nice red polyp with bluish sheen centers. Hi bro klyve, glad they colour up for you. Mine too are showing much better polyp colouration since I switched bulb.
  10. Some more frags available Blastomussa Merleti (red polyped type) frags from 15 to 25 sgd ( 6 frags available) Green base Pink polyped Montipora @ 45 sgd ( 1.5 inch sizing) Dragon-eye zoas (app. 20 polyps) on miniature LR (fiji shipment) @ 55 sgd Please PM to make arrangement for viewing.
  11. That's right. Raising larve is one thing.. raising them in a small black bucket is another..
  12. And the amazing thing is he raises them in a 5 gallon black bucket!
  13. Hi guys, Selling the following to make room for other stuff. 1)pair of black Ocellaris clowns @(150 sgd) 2)pair of black Ocellaris clowns @(160 sgd).. female is a misbar Note : pairs have been with me for app 2 years plus 3)Green whisker coral frag (6 heads) @(75 sgd) Note : the duncans are from a LCK shipment a number of years ago. 4)Orange digitata frag (app 2 inch) @(15 sgd) 2 pcs available 5)Purple polyped digitata frag (app 2 inch) @(15 sgd) 6)pair of black onyx percula clowns @(100 sgd) bought from CF. Note : pair has been with me for 1 year plus Some other frags of zoanthids, sps available. No pics at the moment. Pls PM to make arrangement for viewing. Viewing at Bedok.
  14. Still not for sale as of today. Really nice looking maximas they have there..
  15. Solo77, thanks Redstar, misbarrs for my current batch is really low. think it might be due to the parents from a different source. You can check with Bro Fuel. If I'm not mistaken, he's currently with a batch that has a high percentage of misbarrs. you might be lucky finding your teardrop specimen from there. HTH
  16. Anyone? Also looking for a 400W dimmable eballast.
  17. Hi guys, looking for a Sunrise Dottyback. Do PM or contact me at 94896450 if you have one you are keen to sell. I will also consider trading.
  18. Wah.. the Seychelles Anemonefish But the picture attached looks more like a Chrysogaster.
  19. Awesome! What will you be planning to feed them with once they get alittle larger ? Was breeding redis previously and had difficulties with proper sized food source once the fries got above 1 inch in sizing.
  20. Did consider gettin one. But I already got a pair of Stenopus in my reef Anyway, nice specimen. has been quite awhile since seeing them here.
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