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  1. I feel that people cannot be changed if they dont want to change. If they cannot fit in then go somewhere else loh. Anyway, as AT says, everywhere also got some rulez to follow. If no rules, sure havoc one! Then see where they run too!
  2. ??? Dun beat me up leh! I only say the site is so much like SGREEFCLUB onli!
  3. ! My momma say he looks like a 1970s hong kong band star leh:lol:
  4. You must go to Marche at the Peaks! Veri romantic!
  5. Looks EXACTLY like SGREEFCLUB!! Even the reefing acronyms is 100% copied leh! Wah Kaoz! Is some of them from SRC before but not happy here, some of their comments quite sour! My BF and me have been surfing here for 8 months already.... SRC is the HAPPENING place!! Wan sui wan sui wan wan sui!!
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