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Everything posted by davechee

  1. Hi All, Have got about 10kg of assorted koi food for sale (large pellets). Mixture of Hikari Economy and some wheatgerm. Am switching to another type of food so I have to dispose of the current food. Looking to sell at $20 bucks. If interested, or if you know anyone who may be interested, please drop me an sms 98004990. Thanks Dave
  2. Hi Guys, Just bought this hang on skimmer ###### filter from a fellow reefer. Does anyone else have this model of skimmer? I am not sure how it works. I have got the water running already but I'm not sure if the skimmer is working or not. I've peered down the skimmer hole but I don't see any bubbles. Thanks
  3. You can see from the picture that there's this white "ring" on its body marking out the part of it's tummy that's swollen.
  4. Hi All, Wonder if you could give me some advice. My powder brown has a swollen stomach and it's fins are torn. It's mouth is open all the time and it can't swim properly. It keeps swimming into the rocks and doesn't seem to be able to steer properly. It appeared to be okay when I last checked it this morning, so I was very surprised to see it like that this evening. Thanks
  5. Was reading your post about your experience concerning aggression of fishes towards each other. I added a blue lip angelfish to my tank which has a yellow tang yesterday and now my angelfish is half dead. The yellow tang kept attacking it and I didn't realise how bad it was until I got home from work just now. Can see the body of the angelfish is all bruised and there are open sores at some places. I've isolated the angelfish in a plastic basket now but not sure whether it will survive. Heart pain man. Do you guys have any suggestion as to how to "nurse" the angelfish back to health?
  6. Am interested in your purple tang. Can you PM me or sms me? 98004990. Thanks
  7. Yeah, unfortunately it is the needlewheel version. Can you recommend a venturi type skimmer which I can buy to replace my current one?
  8. Hey All, I currently use a Macro Skimmer. The pump head pumps out 200 litres per hour. The pump head is spoiled and when I was told that I have to replace the whole skimmer. Is this true? Thanks Dave
  9. My other tang. This one I fear is in big trouble...
  10. Hi Guys, Need some help here. Not sure what my fish are suffering from. I introduced them into my tank a week ago, and they seemed to be eating well for the first few days. Then lately they've 'disappeared'. So I took out all the rocks and found these two. My YT seems to have had it's tailed nipped quite badly, but there's also these brown patches on it's body. My unicorn tang has these patches which look like sores on both sides. It can't swim properly now, just lying on it's side. Would appreciate your advice. Thanks
  11. Hi Neo, 1) Bought it about 2 weeks ago, spots have been around for about a week. 2) Nope. 3&4) The PT was the aggressor. The fish is in a separate container now. Thanks
  12. Hi Guys, Was wondering if you could tell me whether this is itch. The white 'spots' seem to be quite large, so I'm not really sure whether I'm treating the right thing, or whether it's just some discolouration. The fish's appetite has not been affected, neither is it showing any signs of distress. Thanks. Dave
  13. Hi koniyakutz, I'd like to buy the live rock from you. I can come collect it from your place. Please sms me with the details. Thanks Dave 98004990
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