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Everything posted by davechee

  1. I don't mean to be facetious. I would leave the tank as it is for 2 weeks and resist the urge to do anything. See if you have the patience or discipline needed for this hobby.
  2. Aesthetically, the large fishes, in my opinion, look better (especially where the tangs are concerned). I've compared my late AT with the smaller ones I've seen and in this respect, I think bigger is better. Practically, larger fishes are easier to spot and so I can tell more easily if a fish is missing or not well. It also follows that the corpses of large fishes easier to find than small ones.
  3. Hey Jacky, Likewise. I've got quite a few big fish in my tank so I'm fast running out of space already. Immense discipline required from now on. Maybe one day your hand itchy you can come rescape my tank for me. Should have enough rocks to keep you busy for a while. Haha...
  4. WTF!! First it's jerometan and now it's you?
  5. Current state of the tank after the mass die off a few weeks back. Still in hypo (approx 1.01). Remaining fish appear to be doing well. Eating voraciously and no sign of ich, but will be keeping tank in hypo state until end of November just to be safe. Dosing bacteria regularly as well. Now thinking what fish I would like to add once it's safe to stock again.
  6. I also love tangs but the spectre of them contracting ich is very real and the consequences can be very jia lat - speaking from recent experience.
  7. Mike, I'm still trying to stand up and walk, and here you are asking me to bungee jump already! Okay, will have to consult with Dr Ang and your goodself and in due course. Have a good weekend.
  8. I'm wary of using copper because I still want the option of keeping a few corals as well.
  9. Agree. Plus I probably stocked up too fast. My list of favourites / must haves is gradually evolving.
  10. One bro here told me that once I have the AT in my tank, I wouldn't notice the other fishes anymore. I have to say that that statement is absolutely correct. When I had the AT, I didn't notice the other fishes. Now that I don't have the AT, I notice that the AT is no longer there. Really kena poisoned already.
  11. Thanks bro. It is more accurate to say the tank LOOKED nice and impressive. Current state is very pathetic - fewer fishes, fewer rocks, algae on the glass which needs to be scraped off. Thankfully the fish remaining appear to be doing well. Now engaged in post-disaster recuperation, recovery and rebuilding work. Will be a while yet before I start to add new fish. Doing hyposalinity in the main tank has been quite an experience and not something I'd wish for anyone else to have to go through. Not only did I lose the fishes I wanted so desperately to save, I also lost a couple of others which didn't appear to be suffering from ich whose biological systems were probably wrecked by osmotic shock or ammonia poisoning or both. A bit like having to deal with women - there will always something that catches you offguard (even with the best planning).
  12. This is another video I took in happier days (right after I did at 50% WC to try to control the ich problem and before I embarked on hyposalinity).
  13. Will certainly be looking at doing QT or getting fish from other reefers to minimise the scourge of ich. Would dips in copper before introducing to the main tank be effective? I've lost about half of the fish already, including the butterflies. I'm now left with the following: 2 purple tangs (but these are not doing so well and I've taken them out and placed them in my sump - will try to post a video of them later so I can get some assistance - they've got white patches, fins are frayed, body looks a little bloated and can't swim properly) 3 yellow tangs 2 flame angels 2 algae blennies 2 doctors blue tang unicorn tang sohal tang damsels chromises DT is currently being hypo-ed (SG 1.009)and will stay that way till December. Apart from the PTs, the rest of the fish look okay and are eating well. Fingers crossed. Am monitoring ammonia and pH daily. Will probably do a 20% water change over the weekend. Also need to buy more bacteria to dose as well.
  14. I had an ich problem which very rapidly spiralled out of control and my attempts at hypo-ing the display tank led to other problems. The AT was one of many unfortunate casualties.
  15. AT.. AT... live LONGleh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pokmingsheng


      dave, check out those at LCK

    3. Solo77
    4. davechee


      Waiting for tank to stabilise again before adding any new fish. Got to take care of the surviving ones properly. Solo77, your PTs kena bacterial infection...hope it's not too late to treat them.

  16. My rockscaping has been done already so I'm quite loathe to take the rocks out but I will consider that as a last resort. CF is a bit far for me as I'm in the east...but desperate people do desperate things.
  17. Looking for the above to eradicate aiptasia in my tank. Anyone selling or know where I can buy from? Thanks.
  18. Interested in your Maxspect but cannot PM you.

  19. Hi All, I plan on buying seawater from Irwana. Bearing in mind the distance from my house, I'm thinking of buying as much as I can carry and then storing what I don't need for the time being. Is there any problem with storing the seawater for an extended period of time before using it? E.g. 2 months? Thanks
  20. davechee

    DIYing Sutff..

    Do you know how I might be able to create the effect created by a wavemaker without using a wavemaker? I have some internal filters in my tank that only shoot the water out in one direction. Thanks.
  21. Sold. Thread closed. Thanks for interest.
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