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  1. You could buy it from : Aquarium Iwarna Pte Ltd Loyang Agrotechnology Park No 70 Pasir Ris Drive 12 Singapore ( 518234 ) Tel : +65-9667-6432 F2 Aquarium Centre Pasir Ris Farmway 2 Lot 35, Block C2 Singapore ( 510000 ) Tel : +65-9639-5355 Golden Octopus Trading 472 Upper Serangoon Road Singapore ( 534509 ) Tel : +65-6286-4247 Pet Mart Pte Ltd Blk 151 Serangoon North Avenue 2 Unit # 01-79 Singapore ( 550151 ) Tel : +65-6289-6471 Polyart Aquarium 24hours 328 Clementi Avenue 2 Unit # 01-194 Singapore ( 120328 ) Tel : +65-6775-4773 Reborn Aquarium & Supplier No 235 Lavandar Street Singapore ( 338781 ) Tel : +65-6299-5060 Thank
  2. Hi chris, the 'side effects' are the same as any food you will feed- be it frozen mysis/brineshrimp or even dry pellet foods. There will be an increase of nutrients when the food or in this case algae cells break down. The excess nutrients or build up is the cause for algae blooms. For starters , you may half or even 1/3 or 1/4 the dosage of the phytoplankton. If everything seems fine, move up to the recommended amount of 1ml per 100gal after 3 weeks. If you use the Nannochloropsis (green cap), This algae will stay suspended for up to 3 days- by which bacteria will start to break it down. A skimmer turnover minimum should be the tank volume within 18-24hrs. If you are unable to reach this amount of skimming- even without dosing phyto it is already underskimmed, and your daily normal food feedings have to be light. If you stick to weekly water changes - then the skimmer issue is not a major one. Hope it helps
  3. Aquaz

    Where to buy ?

    i think it is called a connecter, the outer pipe is a male and the inside is female. All hardwear stores carry it.
  4. Hi our attention was brough to this post, we have an active sponsor forum and an active support email for product queries. its here: sponsor forum and email address: support@aquaz.org we apologize to the admin and mods for any issues caused. All Aquaz Epozy Fix products are labelled as a "Made in USA" evident on our packaging. Thus, we are not certain if the product with "Made in Germany" as you claimed to be one that is distributed by our company. We however would be interested in seeing this above mentioned product to verify your claim and Epozy Fix is not 'OEM" from brand Wessbond unless again you wish to enlighten us further with your claims. The above allegation pertaining to our brand Aquaz was unnecessary and to date, unsubstantiated, as our epozy fix was never labelled to be a product from Germany. Aquaz does not intend to establish itself with practice in "price gourging." It has been our company's policy to price competitively and support dealers,hobbyists and clubs while trying to stay afloat as a business entity. A juggle that is not easy. We find our time more productive in acquisitions and product testing for future launches and promotions. Aquaz has from day one fought against all odds in the industry to bring quality and affordable products to the hobbyist, it has been an uphill struggle from the beginning...and we are just at the foot of the hill. We would not hesistate to replace or phase out any product that is indeed inferior in quality through verification and testing. Thank you for your time Aquaz
  5. Hi Lester, Hammer corals are photosynthetic and does not need to be directly fed, but will take small meaty foods that are offered. regards
  6. Seahorses and starfish? The answer is No. Nearly all except maybe the pigmy seahorse fry will be small enough to take phytoplankton directly (& not the nanno- maybe some bigger strain). To raise seahorses, you need a phyto source to culture rotifers and copepods for the baby seahorse ponies. The ponies will grow on rotifers for the first 1 week and then you will need to introduce bigger foods like copepods and baby brine shrimp. The combination of phyto strains that we provide have been studied in fry development for food fish production. Certain HUFA and lipid profiles can help brain and body development- but that goes deep into strain profiles and for another day. Starfish - depending on the various genus that you choose(reef safe or non-reef safe), usually feed on the bacteria film on liverocks and scavange on leftovers. For non reef safe stars, well they may take a liking to your corals and clams, as shellfish are part of their wild diet. To feed phyto to your tank (doesn't matter which brand) you will be feeding filter feeders and the micro fauna. Hope it helps
  7. Hi regal, Aquaz is from singapore. ----- Aquaz Phytoplankton is not live - termed non-viable. It is because of this that the paste can be so dense(cells numbering in the billions). It is used in fisheries and scallop farms around the world because of the economical value- if compared to manpower hours needed to cultivate live algae in the agriculture world, it wins hands down. Another different aspect is that our phyto contains no preservatives - this limits shelf life but not using preservatives make a whole world of difference when culturing larvae and rotifers. If you get the pure nanno paste, the shelf life can go beyond 1 year frozen. Otherwise when kept in the fridge 3 months. If storage temperatures go beyond 6c then this also shortens lifespan. The facility producing our phytoplankton was founded in 1995 to farm bivalve shellfish. The original concept was to produce the first commercially available shellfish that was raised on land, not in the ocean, producing a product that would be completely safe from toxins such as red tide algae, bacteria blooms, viruses, sewage run-off, and toxic metals.They developed tank raised shellfish technology for three years and during this same time developed and refined the technology for large-scale grow out of marine microalgae, which is the feed for shellfish. In 1998 it was determined that there was a more lucrative market in selling the microalgae directly to other hatcheries and shut down all shellfish operations. Today they sell marine microalgae concentrates to 67 countries and is the largest commercial producer of marine microalgae in the world. Their core technology is a proprietary closed-system photobioreactor design that allows microalgae to be grown in laboratory sterile conditions. This technology is radically different than the open-pond technology used for growing freshwater species of microalgae such as Chlorella, Haematococcus, and Chlamydomonas.
  8. Hi Joeyttk, Currently they are available at: Iwarna Aquarium Reborn Aquarium Petmart Pte Ltd Ocean Planet Polyart Aquarium 24hrs Aquamart Pte Ltd Bio Ocean Aquarix
  9. Hi butteye, Although it should not be a problem, it would be better if you could finish up the phosremover first. regards
  10. Hi chewlaoheng, It depends on your current phosphate level and how much you need to reduce, if you have high levels of PO4 it would be best to use Purephos Premium. Carbphos Premium also has carbon and zeolite in it and to be used more for aquariums with normal or lower PO4 levels. Although It will still lower phosphate and at the same time also remove organics for water quality. If you use Carbphos in aquariums with very high phosphate - yes it will work but you will end up changing the media more often. For that we rather you use Purephos initially to bring down levels. This way you will find that not only did we launch 2 products for PO4 , we make it cost less for you to run in the long term because once you have drop your phosphate levels you can use Carbphos to keep the level down and at the same time benefit from the usage of carbon. regards
  11. Surface waters of tropical oceans contain very low amounts of nutrients such as phosphate, typical phosphate values can be 0.003ppm or less. While every progressive marine hobbyist strives for better skills and struggle to meet the hobby’s demands, the one of the biggest problem is the fight against Phosphate (PO4). Phosphate, in excess can drive nuisance algae growth, and inhibit calcification of corals and coralline algae. Phosphate is input to the aquarium through feeding fish food and tapwater topups; both sources may be laden with orthophosphate. A Phosphate (PO4) testkit is essential for determining and track the levels in the aquarium water. There are natural methods of phosphate removal such as the use of macroalgae growth to compete against the nuisance algae for phosphate; however that option might not be available to all. Skimming will remove organic orthophosphate before breaking down into inorganic orthophosphate. Use of limewater as a clarifying solution can precipitate phosphate and other contaminants from freshwater tapwater topup. Aquaz recommends the use of Kalkwasser Premium for calcium hydroxide with unparalleled solubility and the lowest heavy-metal content. Maintaining a high pH of at approximately 8.4 may also help keep phosphate binded to rock and sand and from re-entering the water column. Aquaz has included a phosphate binding agent in its product range made from granular ferric oxide (GFO). An iron based media originally developed for arsenic removal but was found to work very well in removing phosphate with a higher absorption rate than aluminium base media. According to studies, iron media, in general, binds a wide range of compounds including arsenic, selenium, silicate, organics, trace metals- manganese, cobalt, nickel and zinc. In view that these kinds of filter media need to be changed when exhausted, Aquaz believe in launching our phosphate media, which is reasonably economical for everyone to use on a regular basis. Carbphos Premium™ Retail Price SGD$24.00 Purephos Premium™ Retail Price SGD$28.00 Hints & Tips: *To obtain the best results from the filter media and to keep your tank at very low or zero phosphate levels it is important when starting up a new tank or a mature tank with phosphate levels, to use the filter media on a permanent basis. The filter media will absorb phosphate, silicates and arsenic. It is entirely safe in both fresh and saltwater systems. *Change Media when phosphate levels begin to rise after three to six months, depending on original levels. With high levels of phosphate the media can be saturated much faster for the initial usage. The iron media in Purephos Premium™ and Carbphos Premium™ is an absorbent and will bind phosphate to the surface of the granule, once full it will not release phosphate back into the aquarium but needs to be replaced with new media. *Before use, rinse the media in running water/old saltwater or RO/DI water before placing it in the tank. Rinsing the product will not affect its preformance. *It is not a must to run a specific media reactor, although highly recommended. With a dedicated reactor you can control the flowrate to achieve optimal results. *The media can be put in a nylon/polyester filter bag and placed in a high flow area. In marine aquariums where we run our parameters usually at saturation levels (e.g high calcium and alkalinity) - caking of the media (by calcium precipitation or bacteria) usually occurs when it is used for a long period. This prevents tank water from an optimal flow through the media. To overcome this you can rinse the media bag in old saltwater and loosen the granules, or if this happens in a reactor - run the flow in the opposite direction for a short period. *Do not sprinkle directly into the aquarium. *Adsorption is a continuous process conducted at a specific flow rate or velocity. In addition to velocity, the other key process parameter is media contact time, which dictates the amount of water residence within the media bed required for optimal adsorption. The water flowing through the media should be clean(prefiltered) and gentle enough to not fluidised the media. Fluidization of the media will cause the grains to rub against each other with the fine particles escaping into the tank. *A higher efficiency of absorption is achieved if the water slowly flows through the granules ensuring maximum contact with the water. *It is not possible to overdose Purephos Premium™, an increased amount of media will only increase the absorption lifespan capabilities.
  12. Hi all, there will be 2x Aquaz PO4 media launching in the near future. Will be leaving port soon for our shores in the coming weeks. One is a combined mix of carbon,PO4 media(iron based) and zeolite. (Carbphos) The other is a pure PO4 iron based media. (PurePhos) We will release more product details and the retail prices later on nearer to the launch date. Thank you for your patience
  13. Hi Lester, Only the bottle of pure nanno(green cap) you bought can be frozen. The other blends (gold & supreme) should be refrigerated. So far only Nannochloropsis and Tetraselmis algae strains can be frozen without affecting the cells. Research for freezing the other strains we carry are still on-going. In actual fact, the bottle you have has a 1 year shelf life at full nutritional value(if kept frozen). After 1 year , there will be a drop of about 5% in nutrition value. The algae is still good at 2 yrs. (if kept sealed and frozen). Hope you like the product Best regards
  14. Hi chewlaoheng, yes, the dosage drops to as low as 0.3ml or 1/2ml for tanks smaller than a full 3ft reef.This is due to the density of the algae cells in billions and why it is a very economical phytoplankton feed. The expiry date on supreme and gold blends are stated as 3 month from packing date but may be used up to 4 months or beyond (depending on how cold your fridge is) before it starts to go bad. The red and orange cap bottles can tolerate storage temperatures to not lower than -2c. Only the brown algae strains(Iso,Pavlova and Thalassiosira algae strains will be affected by ice crystals at -2.5c). You can keep on using it untill you notice a kind of rotten egg smell. That is the end of the lifespan and time to dispose. The downside of the supreme blend is the limited shelf life without preservatives- we wish not to include preservatives due to the sensitivity of feed usage. (When used for larvae or rotifer cultures you will see the direct effect of preservatives). In a reef tank, some soft corals show visual signs of degeneration or stress from preservative usage. Best regards
  15. Hi Patrick, How much and how often totally depends on how you have stock your reef tank, and depending on the corals that you keep you may or may not need more frequent feedings. (with exceptions like goniopora,alveopora)LPS & SPS will not need phyto feedings- their main diet consist of mainly zooplankton. Always error on the side of caution when feeding any new product - feed less and work your way up.(this allows the filtration to acclimate) we recommend 1ml of our concentrate for a 100gal reef with heavy filter feeding load 2-3 times a week. Roughly this means for a 4ft tank, for a 3ft and smaller start with 0.5ml(half a ml)per feeding. Best Regards
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