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  1. You may want to send him a private message next time. You're exposing your number to possible scammers by putting it here, this is a public forum. Send HumbleReefer a private message. Just a suggestion.
  2. Hi, Anyone has 1-2 peppermint shrimp to sell? Have aiptasia, going the natural route, prefer stable ones not fresh off the seas is possible. Thank you.
  3. WTS full set at $150 (negotiable) Looking to sell this portable tank, moving the two fish to main tank. Tank is very clean. Minor/non obvious hairline scratches here and there but can't be seen once filled with water. Full set comes with many custom accessories below, that makes the cost well above $600. Only selling as a complete set. Cost price for reference below: IM Fusion Nuvo 10 Gallon - $250 IM Fusion Nuvo Tank Mesh Cover - $28 IM SpinStream Rotating Nozzle - $32 IM Overflow Protector - $8 InTank Custom Acrylic Media Basket - $80 InTank Custom Acrylic Fuge Basket - $70 Eheim CompactOn 300 Pump-$35 Tank Fan with Temp Sensor Control - $25 Tank Light (Brand New) -$15 Artifical Rockscape (Brand New) - $25 Total Cost Price at $550+ Only selling at $150! PM if keen.
  4. You guys could send sellers private or direct messages, protect yourself and not put your mobile numbers on here for the world to see.
  5. Ups. Just $50 for both tanks.
  6. Two tanks to clear: 1. Nano tank, 27*20*20 (small one). Tank only. Good condition, good quality. 2. Standard tank, 60*32*37, good condition, good quality Both well taken care for. Used for marine fish. There's a tiny tank, take it too. Take all for $60 only. Self collect, Beo crescent. PM if keen
  7. About 2 inches? He's already eating mysis and brine shrimp. He's already perching and doing well. I'm just scared for my small fish. It's my fault; someone said they have an amazing personality, and reef safe. Duh.
  8. Falco hawkfish not fitting in my peaceful tank, need to trade for peaceful herbivore preferably. Jist bought from AH BENG. Location: Indus Road Let me know thanks (Will attach photo soon)
  9. Hi, Giving away my Coral Bandid Shrimp (his two large pincers broke off during my struggle to catch him, but they'll grow back. He's done that before, he's molted a few times) and my Halloween Hermit. Giving away cause I discovered they've been eating my small fish. For a while and it can't continue, despite the fact I actually LOVE them. It's them or fish. Please take them both ONLY if: 1. You don't already have a CBS. Two will fight to the death. I don't want him to die. 2. You can quarantine, I want everybody to be safe. They are reef safe, I don't have alot of coral (FOWLR) but not seen CBS touch what few I face. Hermit is a silly clumsy bugger. PM if keen, self collect near Beo crescent.
  10. Taking $5 off the tanks and tidal 35. Self collect.
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