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Everything posted by hobbes

  1. let me guess he bought his setup frm chinatown?
  2. Is my lighting enuff? Having a 1ft cube, with 2x 11w (6500k) PL can i keep a simple SPS? maybe on the rock works? shld i change my PL to 10k? suggests pls! mabe just 1 peice or something..
  3. Is my lighting enuff? Having a 1ft cube, with 2x 11w (6500k) PL can i keep a simple clam? maybe on the rock works? shld i change my PL to 10k? suggests pls!
  4. yo nice setup, what ur tank equipment specs, dosing, lightings, etc? pics of ur equipment? cheers!
  5. Grrrr anyone near UPP BT TIMAH!!!????
  6. Hi, i'm just wonderin if theres any of u reefers that stay around my area - Toh Tuck, Toh yi areas.. it would be really great to know reefers around the area as its very easy to ask for help and checkout on LFS and stuffs.. cheers
  7. yep, im going to keep yumas, maybe 1 clam. and shrooms
  8. Hi, my tank is 1ft x 1ft, and I'm using a 1.5ft light set, with 2 11w PL bulb inside, Im currently using the bulbs that comes with the set. But I dont think its the best for me, what do you guys suggest? 1) I was thinking of getting 2 x 10k-type of whiteness, anyone know what brand/bulb to recommend? 2) I also plan to use LED for the moonlight effect as i heard that its more accurate. or shld i have 1 white 1 blue tube?? Thanks for ur time.
  9. WTB Power compacts, possible those that has 2 bulbs in it. 1feet size or someoen can help me custom make? thanks
  10. DUDE, 3 simple steps to invest on. 1) LIVE SAND 2) LIVE ROCKS 3) WATER CHANGES (I suggest using Tropic Marin) Invest on these, you dont need a skimmer IF you have LOW bioload. And good salt mix.
  11. DUDE. put ur rowas in a filterbag (not ALL, just some) enuff to fit inside the 3rd chamber of ur skimmer. that will do the trick if u want more, another bag, with some rowas in it, put it submerge in the water JUST below ur skimmer outputflow, this way there is water flow Cheers!
  12. u steal my idea!!! haha! I already have my 1ft nano set up with saltwater + rocks I'm having a invert tank theres already 2 hermit in it cycling around. Good luck on ur tank, an advice, keeping shrimps r fun and easy! try to add 1 fish when ur tank is mature.. always nice to see somethin swimming around
  13. WTB 70w MH, or the DIY kit. Anyone?? or maybe tell me where I can get it. Thanks!!! :D
  14. Thanks for all the many replies!! I love you guys!! One last question, I know normally I would go with a skimmer cos to me its a LIFESUPPORTMACHINE. But this time I want to do without it. Mainly becos I'm going to only have pure inverts, and shrooms and yumas. - Jus pure rock/sand AND WATERCHANGES (Tropic marin) , dont 4get this is a nano If something dies, I'll put on my Prizm Skimmer and skimm for a day heh What do you think? CHeers!!!!
  15. Hi I need answers, should I was given 3 bags of medium, bioballs coralchips and ceramic when I bought my tank Its a custom-build 1ft x 1ft x 1.5ft (Internal overflow .5ft) With a area of wet-dry stuffs(Where water runs down only) I intend to keep shrooms ridcoreas, and verts. and 1 fish (maybe a mandrian) I'm running this tank with lights/ 1fan/ return pump/ liverocks/ livesand/ no other toys. 1) NOw should I put bioballs? and all these?? 2) Whats the pros and cons for EACH of these mediums 3) and where shld i put them Thanks for taking time to read, and hope I can find the answers I need THanks alot!!
  16. Hi, I'm lookin for a MH for my 1ft cube, I dont need it to be so powerful, and I do not fish to drill anything on my walls, hopefully somethin that has a clamp or can rest on my tank. Thanks!! happy reefing
  17. Ok sorry guys if you didnt know what on earth i was talking about.. Check out this link Explains it all, I was thinking if it could be DIY-ed http://www.marinedepot.com/aquarium_chille...r.asp?ast=&key=
  18. can u post ur whole tank picture? and tell us your equipments u use and chemicals u dose :) thanks alot. I love sharks
  19. Anyone has good live sand to sell me? Prefer someone near my area, Upp Bt Timah (Toh Tuck) I just want 1.5cm or 1ft x 1ft worth of Live sand..
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