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Everything posted by hobbes

  1. can we have pictures uploaded on da forum.. im lazy to click :D
  2. not very sharp tho.. btw all my pictures are taken by my handphone
  3. Sorry to spoil ur day... JBJ cubes is the only nanocube that cracks (if unlucky) on nanoreefs there were afew cases of cracks and stuff.. so er.. >_< Sell me $40
  4. thanks for ur advice.. Batman fans... :D :D
  5. :) Batman begins rawked.. just watch it 3rd time
  6. Updates.. I bought some buttons(wad do u call em ) kinda got afew colours.. Yellow with Orange middle Green with white middle Dark green with Orange middle yep there were some bigger "buttons" that were together ok so i broke em up and tied em wif to an eggcrate.. hopefully they will populate it and make a pillar
  7. NICE TANK! Looks really nice, isit 2feet? Keep us updated
  8. Tank Specs: 15(h) x 12(w) x 18(l) / Estimated 8 Gallon Time: May 5 2005, 5:55pm Magic dust: Tropic Marin salt Hardware Pump: Atman 103 (1000l/h) Lighting: PL 11w x 2 (Philips daylight, dymax 50/50) Live rocks Sand (0 size with -1 on top) Liveware ###### Shrimp - Thor amboinesis (x3) Hi Fin Red Banded Goby - Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Randall's Pistol Shrimp - Alpheus randalli Pom pom crab (x1) Mini hermit crab (x3) Starfish (4got da name) Dwarf pipefish (x1)
  9. 1.WTS 2feet tank with 1 drill hole for overflow. pvc pipings fix on also, got 2 sets 2feet x 1.5feet(height) x 1 feet Selling @ $25 (2 sets) --- PLEASE BUY SOMEONE. 2.LIVEROCKS - really good quality.. solid purple Price to be neg. (cheap of cos!) --- STILL AVAIL 3.Resun FR-1000 with pump @ $20 --- RESERVED 4.Shrimps: 1 Cleaner @ $6 --- SOLD 2 Camel @ $4 each --- SOLD 5.brittle star (large) @ $3 --- SOLD 6.Eletric blue hermit @ $6 (purple colour shell ) --- SOLD 7.Flame red hermit, reef safe type @ $9(rare) --- SOLD
  10. 1.WTS 2feet tank with 1 drill hole for overflow. pvc pipings fix on also, got 2 sets 2feet x 1.5feet(height) x 1 feet Selling @ $25 (2 sets) 2.LIVEROCKS - really good quality.. solid purple Price to be neg. (cheap of cos!) 3.Resun FR-1000 with pump @ $20 4.Shrimps: 1 Cleaner @ $6 2 Camel @ $4 each 5.brittle star (large) @ $3 6.Eletric blue hermit @ $6 (purple colour shell ) 7.Flame red hermit, reef safe type @ $9(rare) I stay @ Toh tuck area, Upp Bt TImah road.. hope someone can come and take all these away Those who drives and want a quick deal please call 94382788 / David Cheers!
  11. Updates I change my tank location!! from my living room to my room!! This means, aircon for my fishes.. longer close-observation time.. :) Bad thing is... the light gonna blind me while i m on my computer.. gonna fix that soon =X and er... if i spill water.. my room might become salted. Cheers!
  12. bad news, lol my sponge, purple and blue isnt doing very well, they aint growing.. an seem to be "weak" i think they r dying... they aint turning white, they r just going weak.. anyways hmm what corals shld i get if my sponges leaves???
  13. Hello! I'm seling my tanks only selling at $25 now for each tank make full use of this offer! 1. It has a drilled hole and pvc for an overflow tank 2. It is generaly higher than normal 2ft tanks 3. ROCK ON!!!!! Cheers!
  14. ha just got back frm a camp in malaysia, eeek! my maid didnt top up my water >_< SCREWEWWWWWWWWW HERR!!! anyways. b4 I left my friend IANTOH came over and return me 1/3 of my gonipora, haha they were much healthier! and 1/3 seems like a nice size.. I guess I might have to leave 2/3 in his tank Heres a picture of them. Look.. my goby is startin to realise that hes da king..
  15. that doesnt look like liverocks to me ... o.O
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