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Everything posted by jimmyz

  1. Live rock for sale.. abt 15kg or more.. dun hv much coralline algae.. selling at $30. collection at bt panjang.. interested parties, pls sms me at 98299587.
  2. what is meant by trade visitor?? could i buy the ticket and get in on the first 2 days??
  3. i never really ask them to feed in front on me... but i juz ask them verbally... maybe u can try ML ... his livestock never fail on me
  4. i just let it float on the water before releasing it into the main tank... around 1 hr perhaps... most importantly i think it is better if u tried to purchase those fishes that are already feeding... i got both from ML.. and henry told me it is already feeding.. and in deed after putting into the tank.. they start to feed on frozen brine shrimp..
  5. hey... so far i have tried out diapar and blue eye anthias.. they are both quite easy to keep in my opinion... perhaps u could get the blue eye from ML.. i bought from there and it feed on the very day i intro them in....
  6. hey fellow reefers, may i know how much does a kole eye tang sell for??
  7. currently that dispar is still hiding and not feeding.... but i thought anthias require frequent feeding.. and it seem that it has not eaten for 2 weeks liao and is still alive...
  8. hey all bro and sis... one week back i bought 3 dispar anthias (not sure male or female) ... and till now only 2 are out since day 1 and feeding.. but the third one kept on hiding behind the LR and doubt it is feeding... can someone enlighten me why is this so and how to lure the 3rd one out.. currently have no aggressive fish around... along also i have 2 blue eyed anthias.. thanx
  9. interested in yellow ,blue and sailfin tang.. PM if still available.. thanx
  10. i'm not sure if it is called perchlet... but i saw these anthias labelled as perch anthias in wakai...
  11. hey all.. is perch anthias easy to keep??? if not what are the type of anthias that are more easy to keep.. thanx
  12. i manage to spot which hole it is hiding and i took out and use a chopstick to poke it out...
  13. i have caught a 2 inch long mantis shrimp.. but was to late to save my naso tang... water parameter are ok..
  14. hey all.. my 5 small fish has been killed mysteriously recently. big fish are ok.. but all small fish gone in 3 days.... could it be mantis shrimp??? does the bicolor pseudochromis prey on mantis??? thanx
  15. anyone can tell me roughly how much a kole tang cost and where i can get it.. thanx bro
  16. hi all.... will turtle grass turn asexual and crashed the tank???
  17. btw the water seem to get more cloudy than it is before... i have already added the activated carbon..
  18. hi all... i found that there seem to be a lot of bristle worm on the sandbed and they seem die.... will this affect the cycling ???
  19. the anemone didnt move when i was at home the previous few days... only went back a bit late and this happen... sian.... anyway check my nitrite ... its 1.6mg/l and nitrate less than 5 mg/l.... the presence of nitrite means that it is still cycling rite?? do i hv to do a water change??
  20. i have just put in the carbon... so will it help in clearing the water too??? how long it takes to see if its effective???
  21. so currently i have mixed the tap water with the salt without aeration or leaving it overnight... so how i rectify this problem??? will it be clear after a few days??
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