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Everything posted by potomotrygon

  1. i just got a rice tip bubble... 1st day introduce to my tank look quite nice... but the second day, i duno how come it turn out to open smaller... 3rd oso... my LR duno how come got string of bubbles... wat happen? bubbles just feed them wif small pics of prawn yes? add calcium and trace elements enough yes?
  2. ok thanks bro... nid to add in ani calcium or other stuff?
  3. ani advise for rearing brain corel? placing of it? nid to add in any stuff into the water to improve the condtion, i haven been adding ani stuff.... feeds on corel food yes? tips? thanks
  4. do u add it any liquids? and other stuff?
  5. sori sori 4get how to resize.... ani bro can teach me?
  6. Selling off Rainbow Aquarium Lighting at $15. only test it once.
  7. okok thanks alot... hmm... i dont tink i wanna get the lion animore... hehex.. kinda scary.... lolx thanks bro
  8. ok thanks. easy to rear? ani corels to add in?
  9. can lion fish mix wif clown fish an shrimps? ani other more fishes and corels? easy to keep ?
  10. how much selling? location to collect fish?
  11. all more things to let go? pm me asasp
  12. ohx.. so wat is more needed in my 1feet tank? how to diy? ani bro knows? teach me.
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