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Everything posted by jOsHiE

  1. haa for the time being i just wana go into lps and something just something simple which can maintain that... am new in this so still starting slow.... yep cost would be a issue here... but just wondering whether is a weipro 2012 power by a sonar pump alright??
  2. btw after checking the graph i found out that the pump only work at 1500 liter per hour at 1.5m. My tank could be slightly higher than that. And after using a online calculation i found my tank liters to be 254.85 liters. Which means i would only have a flow rate of 5x. I ask the person at eAN he said it okie but i would still like to hear frm u. As i would try not to fork out another $$60 to get a better pump.
  3. am thinking of using a Weipro SA-2012 + Sonar pump for my 3 feet by 1.5 by 2 feet tank... would hope to be advise on this decision :bow:
  4. oops sorry haa didnt know that i was actually shouting thanz alot for ya help btw do u have any good reliable pump to recomened other than the one i stated
  5. am using Pump (Extrema) 2500 liters. Wonder whether isit enough for my 3 by 1.5 by 2 feet tank. does the height of the tank frm the sump matters??
  6. well i think you should go for one 20k one actinic and 2 10k.... well thats wat i went for hee!!!!
  7. haa thanz dragon goby my dnd aqua blue is the 10k... yep thanz alot
  8. iTs cost me a bomb like 600 in all i don think u would wana get it lah cost i now wonder whether i got cheated haa!!! anyway can someone tell me whether am i cheated.... cos am really new in this... erm frm wat the shop guy told me one is to bring out the colour of the corals. So the actinic blue is more dull while the other is more of a deep blue really blue. yEP hope i kinda of answered ya question.
  9. Arcadia 3ft lighting system (4 x 39W T5) 2 DnD Aqua Blue 1 ATI Blue Blus 1 ATI Actinic Bue this are the lightings for my 3x1.5x2 feet tank isit enough for LPS??
  10. am going for a 3 by 1.5 by 2 feet tank meaning the width is 1.5 feet. So thinking of getting a 2 by 1 by 1.5 sump any suggestions on how i should split my sump up??
  11. i was also advice not to have a sandbed for my main tank.... cos the fish guy told me its easier to maintain the water quality that way... pls advice??
  12. so LRs would be better than bio balls?? and wat u mean by micro bubbles i don get u?? erm and so all i need to be able to set up a dsb is to be able to have 4 inches of sand right??
  13. Just wondering how many of you would use a dsb for filteration in ya sump for the middle section or bio rings instead?? AM really confuse over this expect about which is better pls advice!!!
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