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Newbie 1
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Everything posted by reysong

  1. Update: Joker torch - $20 - Sold Lumi GSP -$25 - Reserved Purple hammer - $30 - Still available Below is the picture with blue lights on.
  2. Price reduce Joker torch - $20 Lumi GSP -$25 Purple hammer - $30
  3. Update: Joker torch (1 head) $25 - Still available GSP on rock (approximate 5cm by 5cm) $30 - Still available Purple hammer (3 head) $40 - Still available Zoas (8 polyps) $10 - Sold
  4. Joker torch (1 head) $25 GSP on rock (approximate 5cm by 5cm) $30 Purple hammer (3 head) $40 Zoas (8 polyps) $10 Collect at jurong west
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