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    Pasir Ris
  • Interests
    Marine aquariums

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  1. Decom as I am moving houses and my time will be focused on family. Not going I to Individual sales. PM me your best offer for everything, what you see is what you get.
  2. Looking for a large pulsing Xenia, at least open palm size. East side if possible.
  3. Anyone on the east side has some to spare
  4. Hey can i get chaeto from you
  5. Hi, looking for a seahorse pair, gsp, pulsing xenia.
  6. Rocque


    Got more chaeto for coke?
  7. Im looking for a good amount of chaeto if anyone is giving away... also a good refugium lighg, willing to purchase this...
  8. Pm clownfish tang and anemone
  9. Do you have more to spare...
  10. Bumping up again as im looking for chaeto. East side preferred.
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