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Everything posted by Gary943

  1. Thank you, visited them , they sell in 6m length. If in the beginning I will buy, now almost done , so find others alternative.
  2. Like to known? this chiller can support up to how many litre , since you have use it.
  3. Hi, I’m new to reef tank and I also DIY a second hand tank. Initial I wanted to continue to keep fresh water fish decided to redo everything including replace the heavy duty aluminium stand to heavy duty custom make cabinet , compartment t the sump. Family and friend later encourage me to try reef tank , so it end up a massive project, 3 moth and I still constructing base on my many yrs of fresh water keeping experience. 1) main tank a L177 crystal tank approx 6ft x 2.3 x 2. 2) sump tank 150 x 48 x 42 cm 3) external under gravel filtration tank 24 x 60 x 27 inch didn’t take much pic , will visit the piping shop , hope is still around since the tread is so many years back.
  4. Sorry my Hp nos is 92712798
  5. 5 x 2 x 2 ft cabinet give away. Self collect.
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